landloard property seizure

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My landlord recently performed an lein seizure which is legal under my lease but was performed illegaly, the landlord first tried to forcefully enter my apartment and when she finally did and I would not cooperate she called the police which I did too, when the police came they detained me for assault because I sat on her hand when she was trying to pick up some property , as they detained me she went through my apartment and took everything she wanted, on top of that she called my job the next day and told my supervisor my personal business. I live in Texas she had no court order and I am proteced by SSCRA. what can I do?
hm, if you are protected under section 300 SSCRA and she knew that and she had no court order then it looks like she committed a federal crime. You can go to your US Attorney's office and file charges against her.

Under Texas law you can sue her for any violation of the statute rules governing residential landlord's liens and their execution. It could well be that you have a case against her.

While the law allows contractual distress it pretty clearly sets some rules how it can be done and what can be taken and what not. You find that here:
Section 54.044

You should consult an attorney to sort these things out, especially if you also should be charged for any criminal violations, because you might have had the right to defend your property.

You might find some help here, the Bar Association has implemented a program designed for military members to get legal help in situations where their rights under SSCRA are affected:
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