Landlord giving personal information


New Member
The new manager of the trailer park is giving out personal information on me and other tenants saying who she is going to evict who is the sex offender giving the names and addresses to anyone who will listen to her talk we have her on video doing this and we have text messages to people that she has written giving information out on other tenants she has done this to me I sent a message asking her to stop giving out my personal information or that I would sue the trailer park because they are not allowed to do that and now she has served me with a lease termination letter
now she has served me with a lease termination letter

I suggest you begin searching for another place to live, assuming your landlord has notified you that your lease will not be renewed.

Just as you could have chosen NOT to renew the lease, the landlord appears to have exercised her right to not renew your lease, as detailed in your current lease contract.
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The new manager of the trailer park is giving out personal information on me and other tenants

What "personal information" and to whom is she giving this information? Have you suffered any damages as a result?

saying who she is going to evict who is the sex offender

Which of these are you?

I sent a message asking her to stop giving out my personal information or that I would sue the trailer park because they are not allowed to do that

What makes you think "they are not allowed to do that"? A person's status as a registered sex offender is a matter of public record, and no law prohibits anyone from disseminating that information. As far as "who [sic] she is going to evict," that's also not something that a landlord is legally precluded from disclosing.

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