New Member
Ok we rented the house we are in starting 9-27-01 the landlord is very inexperienced and it is just her home she is renting out. We had her draw up a minimal lease for our protection. In december of 2001 she came by the house while i had been sick for over 2 weeks. The house was a little messy having 4 kids and not feeling up to cleaning every day. She gave us a 45 day notice to be out. I informed her of our legal rights and even gave her copies out of legal guides so she could read herself. Ok so she says ok thats fine you can stay. Then we receive a letter from her and i will just highlight a few things from it. Since we decided to stay she will inspect the property every tuesday at 1:00 and i better be sure to be there or she will use her legal rights to evict us. We are also crack addict slum luvin sanford and son Yaka of the flats tenants. Her husband told her that she was not to rent to people with children or pets but she did it as a favor to us ( I did not ask for a favor i rented a home from her i see it as strictly business i never had met this woman before) This letter goes on and is very rude throughout. So i Look up more of my legal rights ok she should be allowed 2 inspections per year as a just to look, unless an emergency. So we allow her in this past tuesday she sees that the house is very clean indeed but comments that the kitchen is still trashy ( i had not done the dishes yet that day, i should not have to cease living because of her) I also have several large electric appliances since i have a large family to feed and they do not fit in the cabinets. She says before she leaves that she will be back every tuesday from now on, we inform her that it violates our right to privacy, our right to live in peace, is also retaliation, and several other legal rights as ours and that she will be allowed one more inspection so make it count. Well as she walks out the door she says do not expect me to renew your lease in October you are out when the lease is up. I have looked up my legal rights i Know them fairly well, What can i do about this landlord that is harassing us like this? ANy suggestions is appreciated.