Landlord making me responsible for bursting pipes


New Member
West Virginia
image.jpeg image.jpeg Last night I let my water drip, as i always do when it is going to get cold out. The next day I noticed my water was no longer dripping. Upon trying to turn the water on it wouldn't generate pressure or turn on. The landlord sent the maintenance man over he put heating tap on the pipes (mind you this tape is already suppose to be on the pipes but the landlord says she can't afford to place it under all the trailers) I heat my trailer with electric heat, at the time it was 57 degrees inside. And remained so all night. Anyways, he managed to get the pipes unfrozen, and then went to check if they were busted and he said I had a "bust". He called my landlord who told me I'm responsible for the damages because I don't have "proper" heating. When I asked how much it would cost she said I have to pay my maintenance man $10 an hour, plus whatever he needs to fix it. I went out to where he was and asked him which pipe busted and he said the main line. I called my dad because I don't know anything about pipes/rental rules. He has experience. He told me I'm not responsible for a bust at the main line. It would be impossible for me to heat underneath my trailer and that the temperature inside does not affect that. I went through my lease and it does NOT specify that my trailer is required to be at any specific temperature during the winter and because it was 57 in my trailer I can only assume that the pipe actually busted because of poor insulation. When I told him I wasn't going to pay, he left without putting the insulation back under my trailer and and didn't re-screw the paneling shut. My landlord called me back, and got extremely ignorant with me and said I was now required to heat my trailer with kerosene. It does not say anywhere in my lease that I have to do that. Also, I have 4 roommates upon signing the lease naturally I believed all 4 of us would be signing, she refused and very matter of factly said that only I could sign because if she has to take me to court she would have to pay, and can't afford to take more than one person.

I do not feel I am responsible for my pipe busting at the main line especially since he didn't even put the insulation back under my trailer.
Are you renting the trailer or do you own the trailer and just rent the space?

Also need you to quote (word for word) the part of your lease (if any) that says you are responsible for damage or repairs.
Are you renting the trailer or do you own the trailer and just rent the space?

Also need you to quote (word for word) the part of your lease (if any) that says you are responsible for damage or repairs.

I'm renting the trailer

There's a whole paragraph in my lease about freezing pipes. Word for word "leasee is financially responsible for any damages caused by freezing of pipes" I realize that there's no way around the lease but realistically the trailer is so poorly insulated and I had my heat on 57 and my focets dripping. She said "That's what you SAY" and continued to infuriate me further. Also, apparently if there's a bust at the main line a licensed professional is suppose to look at it not him. He doesn't even have a license, they just have a contract together.
I'm renting the trailer

There's a whole paragraph in my lease about freezing pipes. Word for word "leasee is financially responsible for any damages caused by freezing of pipes" I realize that there's no way around the lease but realistically the trailer is so poorly insulated and I had my heat on 57 and my focets dripping. She said "That's what you SAY" and continued to infuriate me further. Also, apparently if there's a bust at the main line a licensed professional is suppose to look at it not him. He doesn't even have a license, they just have a contract together.

Okay, you can't fix this problem even if you had a magic wand, a genie in a lamp, and a satchel full of magic dust.

Fixing this problem won't repair the underlying damage between you and your landlord.

Nevertheless, if you're bound and determined to put the screws to your landlord, report your problem to your county health department, county or city building inspectors, your elected county or city representative, mayor, etc...

One of those people are likely tasked with resolving these types of landlord/tenant disputes. If not, they'll direct you to where you can file a lawsuit (probably your local small claims court).

Whichever one of those options is the correct option, expect the resolution to take far longer than you can imagine, probably weeks, maybe months.

Or, contact the handyman giving him your authorization to fix the problem. If money is an issue, ask him to tell you how much the repair will cost.

I'm guessing it'll be between $50 to $100 in total. If he does it, he'll probably have it repaired by tomorrow afternoon.

Either route you go, I suggest you start looking for new digs unless you become the bigger person and apologize to the landlord.

It's better to mend fences their burn bridges.
Okay, you can't fix this problem even if you had a magic wand, a genie in a lamp, and a satchel full of magic dust.

Fixing this problem won't repair the underlying damage between you and your landlord.

Nevertheless, if you're bound and determined to put the screws to your landlord, report your problem to your county health department, county or city building inspectors, your elected county or city representative, mayor, etc...

One of those people are likely tasked with resolving these types of landlord/tenant disputes. If not, they'll direct you to where you can file a lawsuit (probably your local small claims court).

Whichever one of those options is the correct option, expect the resolution to take far longer than you can imagine, probably weeks, maybe months.

Or, contact the handyman giving him your authorization to fix the problem. If money is an issue, ask him to tell you how much the repair will cost.

I'm guessing it'll be between $50 to $100 in total. If he does it, he'll probably have it repaired by tomorrow afternoon.

Either route you go, I suggest you start looking for new digs unless you become the bigger person and apologize to the landlord.

It's better to mend fences their burn bridges.

Yeah. So, I'm just going to pay it. My point is tho he left my trailer looking like the above pictures. Never put any of that insulation back under. That's currently what it looks like. Therefore I don't care if it's 50 100 or 1000 it's not my bill to pay. Yes, I need a place to live so yes I'm going to pay it no I am not apologizing, I had every reason to say what I said so unless she evicts me I'm staying put. I just wanted some advice because regardless I don't feel I'm responsible for the damage that was done. It could have been 95 in my house and that's not going to keep my pipes from freezing. I do agree that IF I want to take further action and have the trailer deemed unfit for living what routes to take. However, I think it best to just avoid her and leave the rent paying to one of my roommates. Also, the issue of the lease, I'm almost positive everyone living in the residence is required to sign the lease, she is trying to say otherwise.

I for one find something fishy about that. But like I say, I'll avoid the bridges and fences all together. Meanwhile I'm being held responsible for crooked misconduct
Yeah. So, I'm just going to pay it. My point is tho he left my trailer looking like the above pictures. Never put any of that insulation back under. That's currently what it looks like. Therefore I don't care if it's 50 100 or 1000 it's not my bill to pay. Yes, I need a place to live so yes I'm going to pay it no I am not apologizing, I had every reason to say what I said so unless she evicts me I'm staying put. I just wanted some advice because regardless I don't feel I'm responsible for the damage that was done. It could have been 95 in my house and that's not going to keep my pipes from freezing. I do agree that IF I want to take further action and have the trailer deemed unfit for living what routes to take. However, I think it best to just avoid her and leave the rent paying to one of my roommates. Also, the issue of the lease, I'm almost positive everyone living in the residence is required to sign the lease, she is trying to say otherwise.

I for one find something fishy about that. But like I say, I'll avoid the bridges and fences all together. Meanwhile I'm being held responsible for crooked misconduct

I have no quarrel with you or your landlord.
My point was that more often than not, a legal solution isn't the quickest solution, more costly, and occasionally leaves one worse off than before the person pursued justice.

The other point is, you can win by appearing to have lost.

Good luck.
You signed a lease whereby you agreed to be responsible. You can act like a petulant child and claim it isn't fair, but that is what you agreed to. I'm not sure what you hope to gain by refusing to pay the bill or apologize. It will do nothing to fix your problem and will only cause you more $ and trouble.

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