Landlord says there is roach problem and needs to spray all units in my building, but I have no pests in my unit


New Member
I just got a notice from my landlord that there is a roach problem in my building and they need to spray/bait every unit because of it. However, I don't have any roaches, eggs, or any insects whatsoever in my specific unit, and I'm not comfortable with chemicals being sprayed in my living space because I have a family history of lung cancer (especially if there isn't a problem in my unit to begin with).

So I would like to know what the law is regarding this?

Does there need to be actual proof of infestation in each unit in order for them to be allowed to spray a unit? Or is it a case where they can spray every unit they want regardless and I have no say in the matter?

The letter stated it's mandatory and anyone who refuses may be served with a 30 day eviction notice. I don't want to have to move over this, but I also don't want to live in an environment that could be hazardous to my long term health.

I'm going to call my landlord in the morning to discuss it, but they are closed now so I thought I could get some information here in the meantime.

Thank you
The letter stated it's mandatory and anyone who refuses may be served with a 30 day eviction notice. I don't want to have to move over this, but I also don't want to live in an environment that could be hazardous to my long term health.

Life is replete with difficult choices.

When life confronts any of us with one or more such choices, the person confronted must make the choice.

Asking others what to do isn't what a responsible adult does.

A responsible adult debates with herself/himself as which choice is best, and acts accordingly.

You've revealed a possible consequence, should you refuse to allow your unit to be fumigated. You'll eventually be evicted, because you balked.

HECK, you could even arrange a hotel/motel stay for 48 to 72 hours, while the fumigation effort is remediated in the atmosphere of your unit.

Choose wisely, citizen, because choosing foolishly will only bring more chaos, confusion, and disruption to your life.
Same answer I gave you at

If they spray all the units except yours guess where the roaches will go?

That's right. They will all converge on your unit.

How do I know that? I have been doing my own pest control spraying for decades and I use the same chemicals the professionals use.

As for a 30 day eviction notice, are you on a month to month tenancy at will or do you have a lease from what date to what date? And if you have a lease, what does it say about pest control?

For the legal stuff I suggest you read A Practical Guide for Tenants and Landlords published by the MSU College of Law Housing Law Clinic. It's the 2021 edition and the most recent one I could find. It is very comprehensive.

tenantlandlord.pdf (

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