Landlord Stealing Electricity

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After a fuse blew recently, I discovered my landlord is stealing my electricity in a 3 flat. The halls (front & back), outside lights (front & back), basement light, washer & dryer, furnace & garage lights are on my meter. There are 3 meters outside the building. There is no common area meter. I'm assuming I living in what once was the owners apartment. I lived here for 5 years & will be moving at the end of next month. I want to sue the landlord for years of stealing. I have the town building inspector coming over next week. I'm also worried about my security deposit. Can he not return my deposit because of a suit? Should I wait until I move out to file a complaint? Please help.
Sue as soon as possible and get this resolved.
Take a picture of the fuse box to prove the landlord's connection. Also, make sure you take pictures of the apartment before you move including windows and blinds, appliances inside and out, ceilings, floors, walls and doors so he cannot claim damages. He cannot keep your deposite because you sue but may try by saying there is a lot of damages. Make sure you have all your payment receipts for rent and utilities and take the pictures to court with all the receipts. You may have to include the deposite in your law suit (small claims) if he refuses to return it because you sue. The pictures need to be very clear and easy to see for the judge. Have you mentioned the electricty issue with your landlord and tried to resolve the issue first?
You should make a written claim before you sue. Your landlord could always say he did not know that the common area services were on your meter.
Common Area Electricity

I had the town building inspector over today. He verified all of this and took pictures. I'm moving in 30 days & want my security deposit back. What is my next move? Should I contact a lawyer now? I want to sue the landlord for years & years of this usage. Can I wait until I get my security back, move & then sue. Please offer any advise on future actions.
SUE NOW! You wait and you may encounter trouble. If it has been verified that she/he is stealing, take care of it B4 you move...just my opinion

i am just curious as to what my options are.

Ive been recieving 1,000 eletric bills and i only live in a two bedroom apt, my lights and all are shut off in the day time because i am at work, every month since i moved into this building (about 4 yrs ago) i have been getting estimates from con edison, my landlord does not let the meter readers in the building, so i asked him one day to give me the reading he gave me a # i gave it to con edison and the represenative advised me that unless i live in a warehouse that is a wrong reading # because your bill would be about $3,000. My landlord has turned the basement into a hall in which he rents out for partys
all the meters are locked up in a box that he built over the meter so no one can look at it or read but him because he has the key, My neighbors at one time thought it was me stealing there electricity and i thought it was them, i really dont know what to do im not sure what to do, could i sue him even though no one can get in to read the meter??
My son and family live in a 2 family home. The lights kept blowing out, so they went down to the basement to check the meter themselves instead of calling the Landlord again and discovered that most of the switches are clearly labled and being used by the Landlord for dryer, pool, shed, air conditiner, etc. Only two switches are actually running the 2nd floor apartment. My son took pictures of the panel box for the 2nd floor apartment, with the markings showing the Landlord is using their electric. The bill came in at $250 for the 2nd time since the Landlord remodeled their kitchen. We are going to take the pictures to the building inspector, what do we do next???? What is our legal recourse???
My son and family live in a 2 family home. The lights kept blowing out, so they went down to the basement to check the meter themselves instead of calling the Landlord again and discovered that most of the switches are clearly labled and being used by the Landlord for dryer, pool, shed, air conditiner, etc. Only two switches are actually running the 2nd floor apartment. My son took pictures of the panel box for the 2nd floor apartment, with the markings showing the Landlord is using their electric. The bill came in at $250 for the 2nd time since the Landlord remodeled their kitchen. We are going to take the pictures to the building inspector, what do we do next???? What is our legal recourse???
What do you wish to do, break the lease?
Start with the building inspector and then the power company. I smell trouble for the Landlord.

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