So my landlord is threatening to sue us if she cant rent out her property by the end of the lease.
Ohio security deposit law =
Lawriter - ORC - 5321.16 Procedures for security deposits.
When your lease ends, make sure you document the EMPTY unit with video and photos AFTER you have removed all your belongings and cleaned the unit to the best of your ability.
Document the status of the empty unit by taking pictures and video of the EMPTY unit.
If you are sued, bring the video and photos to court, along with your notes on damages (if any) to court.
Ask the landlord (or her/his agent) to accompany you as you do your move out inspection.
If the request is declined, document the answer.
Nevertheless, do the inspection and documentation yourself, capture photos and video.
Ohio security deposit link:
6 Basics of Security Deposits at Your Rental Property
The state of Ohio's landlord tenant act includes specific rules for the security deposit.
These rules are meant to protect the rights of both landlords and tenants by explaining the obligations of each party.
Specific terms include how much can be collected and how long a landlord has to return the security deposit after move out. Here are five security deposit rights in Ohio.
Each state has different reasons a landlord can make deductions from a tenant's security deposit. In the state of Ohio, you may be able to keep all or a portion of a tenant's security deposit for the following reasons:
Unpaid Rent
Damage in Excess of Normal Wear and Tear
Unpaid Utilities
Late Fees
As you can see, nothing on your state's security deposit law allows the landlord to retain ALL of your deposit for cleaning.
Don't worry about threats of a lawsuit, just handle your business.
If necessary HIRE a service to clean the ENTIRE premises, or do it yourself/yourselves.
Ohio's landlord tenant law sets a time limit for landlords to return their tenants' security deposits. Tenants in Ohio have the right to the return of their security deposit within 30 days of move-out
What Is a Move Out Inspection for Landlords and Tenants? .
Written Itemized List:
If the landlord has taken any deductions from the tenant's security deposit, the landlord must include a written itemized list when returning any security deposit amount owed back to the tenant. This list must itemize:
Each deduction taken from the security deposit.
Specific reason for the deduction.
Amount of each deduction.
For example, if a landlord deducts money from the security deposit for "cleaning," this may not hold up in court. Even though the landlord could have meant, "cleaning for damages caused in excess of normal wear and tear," if this is not specifically stated in the written itemized list, it would be interpreted as money withheld for basic cleaning costs, which is not an allowable deduction from the security deposit.
Forwarding Address:
In Ohio, it is the tenant's responsibility to provide the landlord, in writing, with a forwarding address where the security deposit can be sent. If the tenant fails to provide the landlord with a forwarding address, the landlord will not be penalized for failing to return the deposit within the 30-day window.
Landlord Fails to Return Deposit:
If the tenant has supplied the landlord with a proper forwarding address, in writing, and the landlord fails to return the tenant's security deposit within the 30 day window, along with a written list of itemized deductions, if deductions have been taken, the tenant is granted certain rights. The tenant is entitled to the money owed to them, plus damages in an amount equal to the money wrongfully withheld plus any attorney's fees.
If necessary, you can hire an attorney to defend against a lawsuit.
If you prevail, the landlord is required to pay for your attorney's fees.
Make sure you thoroughly clean (or pay to be cleaned) the unit.
If the unit is cleaned and you document the cleaning, you have NOTHING to fear!