Landlord will not return important phone calls

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First, some background information...
I made a huge mistake and moved in with incredibly irresponsible people who owe me money, rarely have enough money for bills (certainly never money for groceries) and do drugs in the home that they not only share with me, but the one roommate's daughter. Needless to say, this is a terrible living situation for me and I have been looking into finding a way to get out of my lease.
Recently, the soon-to-be ex-roommates and I have been fighting, due to money and employment issues. After I told them that I couldn't wait for my money any longer, they told me to get out of the house. I was thrilled with this idea, but I digress.
I own all of the appliances in the home, and plan to take them with me. Once they figured out that I was walking out with what I had walked in with, and that I wasn't going to be doing them anymore favors, they started to get very rude. It escalated to the point that they, in order to basically just make me mad, changed the locks to the home (with all of my belongings still inside). Our lease plainly states that no one, besides the landlord, is able to change the locks to the apartment. When I recieved a text message informing me of the fact that the locks were changed, I went to the residence to check for myself. Upon discovery that they were, in fact, changed, I called the landlord to inform her of the the fact that they were changed without consent. She did not pick up or return my phone call, even though I also chose to inform her of the fact that the police were on their way. The police did come, and a report was filed (though the roommates weren't home), but still no return phone call. This was last night, by the way.
I decided to text message my landlord earlier today, both as another way of trying to contact her and so I could have something more tangible than a phone call in order to prove that I have been trying to contact her. I again stated that the locks were changed, that I cannot get into my home and that a police report was filed. It's been almost 24 hours since the initial phone call and I am obviously still waiting to hear back from my landlord.
The police stated that I could come and go as I please, because I'm on the lease, and that anytime I needed to get into the residence and was denied access, that I could call them and they could assist. I am more concerned with the fact that my landlord is ignoring a violation of our lease and is ignoring my attempts to contact her. My landlord has proven herself to be less-than-capable in the past (both with repairs and with a bee infestation this summer). So here are my questions:
Is there any legal action I could take against her, should she continue to not return my calls?
Is there any way that I could insure that she takes propper action against my roommates, for violating terms of the lease?
Should she try to take legal action against me for breaking the lease, could I use this against her in court?

I will welcome any and all advice. I plan on calling my local renter's rights office tomorrow. Thank you in advance, and I'm sorry for being so long-winded!
Its the weekend and its "possible" the Landlord has not got your messages or does any work on weekends. What is it you want Landlord to do? You need to go to court and get an order against your roomates your issues are with them. Where Landlord could prove very helpful you need to give him her time to get, reply and/or take actions. 24 hours might not be enough time as of yet
You can also go to the department of consumer and regulatory affairs to file a petition and get more advice. Ask to speak with a tenant advocate. Plus although costly you can always get a locksmith and change the locks again. It stands to reason that since your on the lease and she hasnt returned your calls she probably won't return the other tenants either. And at the point at least the problem would be solved, for the time being at least until you can get your stuff out. Also if they dont have a lot of money I wouldn tworry about them changing the locks to often. ooo better suggestion I just thought of....Get a locksmith to make you a key of the place while they are not home, they won't know you have it all you have to do is show the locksmith a copy of the lease. Good luck!
Your landlord is caused the problem by allowing these people into the property and your landlord is NOT INVOLVED. Landlord/property owners are not referees OR the police....and the legal advice the police gave you is worthless.

Get an attorney or change the locks BACK at your expense and arrange for movers to be there at the same time...
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