Law School wannabe

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The idea of being a lawyer is one which I have always found interesting. I have had my fair share of trafic violations, and once I was arrested for possesion of stolen property which was lowered to a charge of disorderly conduct. I was a typical misguided youth nearly destroying my future. I took my GED, joined the Army National Guard, and started county college at age 18. After three semesters of county college and a 3.8 GPA, I decided perhaps I could prove myself in school. I choose to major in computer/electrical engineering and was admitted to a reputable engineering school were I am currently a Junior.

My GPA over the past year has fallen from a 3.8 to a 3.2 over a period of 5 semesters at engineering school. I feel that over the next three semesters I could easily graduate with a 3.5 GPA. This summer my brother has decided to go into law, and I am considering joining him. I believe I have the aptitude because I have done very well on practice exam questions. I am taking a course in Logic to increase my LSAT score, and my enroll in a couple graduate level courses in Logic next summer.

My question's are: From what you know about me, do I seam like law school material? What are my odds of being accepted to any of the NYC law schools? How heavily, if at all are law violations weighed during law school admissions? Also, what type of law could I practice with an engineering BS degree?
You can probably get accepted to a law school in the NYC area but not Columbia or NYU. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be a lawyer. You should also think about why you want to be a lawyer, what kind of a lawyer, and see what you can do to see what it means to be a lawyer. Do you want to do criminal law? St. John's is excellent as are Brooklyn, Cardozo and Fordham.

I'm sure you don't want to do just traffic violations although there are many DUI/DWI specialists and that is a booming business. I don't think your minor record will affect you from going to law school -- Queens Law and Touro have some very successful graduates and have also been known to be forgiving to those making earlier mistakes. It's worth a try if you really want to go.
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