Legal Job?

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I need a lawyer's advice, please. My question is regarding an employment offer I have received. A stock broker who is currently in another country wants his customers to send me his fee, I will then cash the check at my bank, take out my payment ($250 per check), and then wire the rest of the money to him in that country. Example, Company X sends me a check for $4000, I cash the check at my bank and once it clears I deduct $250 for me to keep as payment, then I wire the $3750 to him. I just need to know if this is legal. I don't want to have the IRS knocking on my door. It sounds great and I have all of his information but I just want to make sure this job is legal. Sounds too good to be true. Thanks for your response. Please respond if you are a legitimate lawyer. Thanks.

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Any time an agency ask for monies up front to work it is almost always a con. Company's pay employees to work it is that simple.
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