Legal Standing Question

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My question will not be easy to answer. I am retired military and was formerly assigned to a NATO institution. I have since learned that following my retirement, the NATO institution has conducted a seemingly illegal investigation into my personal life (not security, defense or conduct related). Basically this investigation was conducted by two people with whom I had conflict with (due to the manner in which they performed their duties) before I left the institution. If there was cause for such an investigation (there was not), it should have been conducted with the knowledge/ consent/ cooperation of US authorities as I fell under the jurisdiction of the US Army at the time of my assignment. As a result of the investigation, my character has been defamed, my professional reputation damaged and personal information which should have been protected, such as the fact that I am a single man and purchased women's clothes, has been released to several staff members within the institution. What standing do I have to sue NATO or may I take the United States to court due to the fact that the US is a member nation and pays 22% of the NATO budget? I am a resident of TN, live in Europe and the NATO institution is in Poland.
As a result of the investigation,

What investigation? By the two people who don't like you? Or the NATO institution? You seem to be contradicting yourself about that.

my character has been defamed

Exactly how?

my professional reputation damaged

Exactly how?

In your answer to the last two question include a dollar amount of how much money that defamation and damage has cost you.

personal information which should have been protected, such as the fact that I am a single man and purchased women's clothes,

There is no legal obligation for anybody to keep that information private. If you didn't want that to end up as common knowledge you should have told NO ONE about it.

What standing do I have to sue NATO or may I take the United States to court due to the fact that the US is a member nation and pays 22% of the NATO budget?


Come down off the mountain. Nothing like that's ever gonna happen.

It's not even clear from your post that you have anything to sue anybody for.

If you want additional evaluation, answer the questions that I posed.
My question will not be easy to answer. I am retired military and was formerly assigned to a NATO institution. I have since learned that following my retirement, the NATO institution has conducted a seemingly illegal investigation into my personal life (not security, defense or conduct related). Basically this investigation was conducted by two people with whom I had conflict with (due to the manner in which they performed their duties) before I left the institution. If there was cause for such an investigation (there was not), it should have been conducted with the knowledge/ consent/ cooperation of US authorities as I fell under the jurisdiction of the US Army at the time of my assignment. As a result of the investigation, my character has been defamed, my professional reputation damaged and personal information which should have been protected, such as the fact that I am a single man and purchased women's clothes, has been released to several staff members within the institution. What standing do I have to sue NATO or may I take the United States to court due to the fact that the US is a member nation and pays 22% of the NATO budget? I am a resident of TN, live in Europe and the NATO institution is in Poland.

Assuming you were allowed to sue the US GUBMINT, it'll only draw more attention to the scurrilous, salacious allegations.

This is precisely why I rarely recommend pursuing character defamation related causes of actions. Plus, these lawsuits are expensive to prosecute.

As far as suing NATO, that's all but impossible.

Be smart, let it go, or you'll one day wish you had.

Purchasing women's clothing means nothing.
There are many reasons a man would buy women's wear.
If you keep carping, whining, and moaning about being investigated; you'll only cause more, longer, deeper probing into your life, activities, associates, and lifestyle.
Don't kid yourself, those people have the power to not only savage you, mate, they'll destroy, demolish, and dissolve you.

Those guys play rough, real rough.

You keep squeaking, they'll make you disappear.

There are many terrorists wasting away at Gitmo.
All of them aren't from the European, Asian and African continents.
There are many from North America, as right here in the good, old USA.

How do I know?

I've seen it with my own pair of original equipment, 20/20, green in color eyeballs.
Why would anyone conduct an investigation on someone who is retired unless there is a current problem and in the course of that investigation, your name came up? Was this an actual NATO sanctioned investigation or just some people you worked with who did some digging into your personal life?

On a practical level, the US court system does not have jurisdiction over NATO per se. Google, "universal jurisdiction" and "SOFA".

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