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Assuming you were allowed to sue the US GUBMINT, it'll only draw more attention to the scurrilous, salacious allegations.

This is precisely why I rarely recommend pursuing character defamation related causes of actions. Plus, these lawsuits are expensive to prosecute.

As far as suing NATO, that's all but impossible.

Be smart, let it go, or you'll one day wish you had.

Purchasing women's clothing means nothing.

There are many reasons a man would buy women's wear.

If you keep carping, whining, and moaning about being investigated; you'll only cause more, longer, deeper probing into your life, activities, associates, and lifestyle.

Don't kid yourself, those people have the power to not only savage you, mate, they'll destroy, demolish, and dissolve you.

Those guys play rough, real rough.

You keep squeaking, they'll make you disappear.

There are many terrorists wasting away at Gitmo.

All of them aren't from the European, Asian and African continents.

There are many from North America, as right here in the good, old USA.

How do I know?

I've seen it with my own pair of original equipment, 20/20, green in color eyeballs.

Enter the color of a banana?