Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Lesson learned, please dont add more salt to the wound :(.


New Member
British Columbia
So, i've made a foolish mistake. I dont know what got into me.. but i stole a small ball (probably worth 3$). Anyways this is my first time getting detained, and im traumatized to that point where the thought of stealing sends shivers down my spine.

My question is, does homesense have a retail theft database? and if so, what is it?

Second question is, do you guys advice to pay the civil demand?

Once again, im embarassed and already feeling extremely idiotic for my mistake, please dont mock me :(

PS. No police was involved with the incident. im scared that if i dont pay the civil demand, this will give them reason to puruse with criminal charges
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So, i've made a foolish mistake. I dont know what got into me.. but i stole a small ball (probably worth 3$). Anyways this is my first time getting detained, and im traumatized to that point where the thought of stealing sends shivers down my spine.

My question is, does homesense have a retail theft database? and if so, what is it?

Second question is, do you guys advice to pay the civil demand?

Once again, im embarassed and already feeling extremely idiotic for my mistake, please dont mock me :(

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Personally I would not pay the demand in this case. It is unlikely you would be pursued, especially if police were not involved. You will get lots of scary letters but their intent is to pressure you into paying because it costs them less to buy a stamp than to take you to court.
Since you are in BC you might stop by a local attorney for a quick consult and find how things are typically handled in your area. It shouldn't cost you much, if anything at all.
Personally I would not pay the demand in this case. It is unlikely you would be pursued, especially if police were not involved. You will get lots of scary letters but their intent is to pressure you into paying because it costs them less to buy a stamp than to take you to court.
Since you are in BC you might stop by a local attorney for a quick consult and find how things are typically handled in your area. It shouldn't cost you much, if anything at all.

I have a question, i have done my research on the members of the nrma.. and my employers are members of it, But Homesense isnt in it. What are the odds of my employers seeing my foolish mistake? Thank you
I don't know if they use the service or not... I thought that was an unknown.
If they don't then no, only your loose lips will sink you.

National Retail Mutual Association In this link, it doesnt show that HS is a member. But i dont know if its accurate.

Also, do you think refusing to pay the civil demand will prompt the company to sue me and press criminal charges against me? Im sorry, im just a paranoid first time (And Last time) offender :(
PS. No police was involved with the incident. im scared that if i dont pay the civil demand, this will give them reason to puruse with criminal charges

FYI- criminal charges at this point simply would not happen. If anything they would pursue you in civil court, spending more money than what they will recover from you, all over a little ball that they didn't even lose. It's a scam. You will receive letters from a collection agency threatening dire consequences if you don't pay now. The only way they will ever get a dime from you is if you voluntarily give it. There are certainly times when it is best to pay, but this is not one of them.
FYI- criminal charges at this point simply would not happen. If anything they would pursue you in civil court, spending more money than what they will recover from you, all over a little ball that they didn't even lose. It's a scam. You will receive letters from a collection agency threatening dire consequences if you don't pay now. The only way they will ever get a dime from you is if you voluntarily give it. There are certainly times when it is best to pay, but this is not one of them.

how about the link that ive embedded, is it an accurate list of members? Sorry again, im just extremely paranoid
All databases are now through GIS so an NRMA search may not matter here. Far as Civil Demand goes the links I provided might help as well as video
They could fire you even if you didn't take the ball.
What's done is done. No use worrying about it. Move on with your life and see what the new day brings.
You do know that there's a reason why you're not supposed to know if a store is a NRMA subscriber, right?

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