Premises Liability Liability Exposure for Furnace Installed without a Permit

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My father-in-law (who is 85) has gotten himself all in a tizzy about a furnace he installed in a 2-flat (not owned by him) in the city of Chicago 21 years ago. He is afraid that if something happens (fire??) that he will be held liable and lose all his savings because he did not get a permit for the job. He did this as a side job. The building was sold about 12 years ago.

Any reassurance I can give him??

Thank you
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My father-in-law (who is 85) has gotten himself all in a tizzy about a furnace he installed in a 2-flat in the city of Chicago 21 years ago. He is afraid that if something happens (fire??) that he will be held liable and lose all his savings because he did not get a permit for the job. He did this as a side job. The building was sold about 12 years ago.

Any reassurance I can give him??

Thank you

Tell your dad to stop worrying.

No one can easily touch his retirement or savings.

There has been no fire so far, there will be no fire going forward.

Fires from faulty furnaces are not that common.

If there was a fire, it will more than likely be caused by the negligent or careless act of his tenants.

So, tell dad to enjoy his golden years.

Stop worrying.

Worrying will only kill him, but it won't stop a fire from happening, will it?
I agree and have told him the same, however he is insisting that he needs to replace the furnace (with proper permits this time) and pay for it himself.

So - What is his LEGAL exposure, if anyway?
Assume worst case scenario - fire caused by his faulty installation.

Thank you
Okay, help him accomplish his desire.

As far as his legal exposure in this instance, who knows?

It would only be folly to address something that hasn't happened and that he can easily remedy.

I agree and have told him the same, however he is insisting that he needs to replace the furnace (with proper permits this time) and pay for it himself.

So - What is his LEGAL exposure, if anyway?
Assume worst case scenario - fire caused by his faulty installation.

Thank you
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