Consumer Law, Warranties Lienholder repo

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I sold a vehicle with a written agreement and $140 down payment. They were making payments(I collected about a quarter of it). I signed over the title with the lienholder in my name because I didn't want to be liable if anything happened. They still haven't transferred the registration. As soon as they got the title, the payments stopped. (As I understood, Vehicle Office told me that I could reapply for a new title and void the one I gave them, putting the vehicle in my possession, then I could repo. The officers told me that I could be charged with theft because of the written agreement since they put money into it.) I filed for small claims suit. I need to know that as being lienholder, do I still have ownership of the vehicle and how can I go about it the right way?
Lienholder rights

Went to court and granted on default for a no show and need to collect by wage garnishment, bank accounts, or property. And if that doesn't work, then file for a property case, which the state would repo the vehicle, auction it off, then pay me. But if I didn't make a written agreement, then!... I could make a theft case.
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