Limits of termination of employment to collect unemployment benefits


New Member
New York
I'm having problems with political situations at work and it is unclear whether I will be asked to leave voluntarily. My boss knows less than I do and is insecure. Lately I have been given ridiculous assignments that cannot be completed within the time that is assigned. It was mentioned to me that perhaps I should leave and find a new job and they would give me a month salary. I don't think that it is a lot of money and time to find a new job. More concerning to me is whether leaving for "irreconcilable differences" will cause me to be ineligible for unemployment benefits. I am unsure what to do.
It is very, very difficult to get unemployment when you quit. Someone who had reported sexual harassment or illegal discrimination and nothing was done, or one who was not being paid, MIGHT get unemployment if they quit.

About the only set of circumstances I can think of, given your fact pattern above, when you might succeed in getting unemployment if you were to leave, would be if you could convince the UI commission that when you were told if you found a new job they would give you a month's salary, you were being fired. The problem is that the UI commission wouldn't make that call until after you'd already left the employer and filed your claim, and if they decided against you, your only option would be to appeal. And if you lost the appeal, there you'd be without a job and without unemployment.
I'm having problems with political situations at work and it is unclear whether I will be asked to leave voluntarily.
Based on your recitation of events and the tone of comment regarding one months compensation if you just disappeared yourself.

Bear in mind, even if you followed through, vanished, received your one months salary, you probably wouldn't get a dollar from the UI Fund until the following month.

On a positive note, according to the man occupying the White House, Bidenomics has the economy roaring, the recession has been quelled, prosperity and thousands of jobs are immediately available to all those who seek greener pastures.

You, and you alone must decide what to do. Based upon your recitation, to me things look bleak for you and your employment longevity with your current employer. Heck, I know nothing other than my feeble attempt at reading the tea leaves and the chicken bones.

Best of luck, I hope you determine what is best for you. I also hope you land on your feet and wherever that might be, you're earning 40% more there, than the current bully employing you pays,

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