Linked-In bends over for the CCP.

Nothing will be done to a donkey, no matter what the donkeys does or doesn't do.

Elephants will be accused and convicted on mere suspicion, innuendo, or lies.

Donkeys will be allowed to bray about and do anything there donkey brain wishes.

Elephants must learn their place, to remain silent, complacent, and obedient.

We should all take great solace and be comforted by the presence of Puddin' Head and Cackles_N_Shakes in command of our military, in possession of the nuclear codes, and their protectors NeighingNancy and CluckyChuckie.

Say it with me, "I will obey and support Our Dear Leaders Puddin' Head and Cackles_N_Shakes at all times, Hail Puddin' Head".

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