I have a very big problem at hand and need some advice from anyone who would be able to help me. Me and my 8 year old daughter have been residing in a residence where we are not on the lease but have been here for more than 6 months helping an elderly gentleman with his everyday needs. Today however we get a phone call from the gentleman we have been taking care of, he is currently in the hospital and is not coming back but going to home to be taken care of from now on, telling us that we have to be out by Wednesday. Now we knew we were having to move out but not in 2 days. Does anyone know of what legal rights we have if we're not on the lease?
Are you employed as a caregiver by a licensed agency?
Are you simply providing freelance services working as YOU against the world, as in you're self employed?
If you were placed in the home by an agency, well, you know.
Your best bet is to leave peacefully, and as soon as possible. I suggest you comply with the request and voluntarily leave within the 48 hours you've been so graciously given.
Now, you can stay and wait to be evicted by the courts.
Yes, that will buy you extra time, free time, but at a very high cost later.
A legal eviction can take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks, give or take.
But, the mere filing of an eviction will destroy your chances to ever rent decent housing for you and your child for decades.
Let's put it this way, if an eviction case is filed, you'll eventually be evicted.
But when you next try to seek your own rental unit, you'll find they've mysteriously placed your name into the DO NOT RENT DATABASE.
That means you''ll be denied decent housing for decades, maybe forever!!!
The choice is yours, ma'am. I wish you well.