Living discrimination

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In many (if not most) cases, it's perfectly legal.

You'd have to give us more details.
"Generally" yes, it is legal. Would you want to tell us what your criminal history is & when? Thanks.
Its not illegal to be careful in the selection of prospective tenants as long as you don't do it based upon religious affiliation, ethnicity, race, gender, age, and in some cases and places; sexual orientation.
This is part of the Pa. Human Relations Act - sect. in regard to housing: Cannot -

Refuse to sell, lease, finance or otherwise to deny or withhold any housing
accommodation or commercial property from any person because of the race, color,
familial status, age, religious creed, ancestry, sex, national origin or handicap or
disability of any person, prospective owner, occupant or user of such housing
accommodation or commercial property, or to refuse to lease any housing
accommodation or commercial property to any person due to use of a guide animal
because of the blindness or deafness of the user, use of a support animal because of
a physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support
or guide animals or because of the handicap or disability of an individual with
whom the person is known to have a relationship or association. Evict or attempt to evict an occupant of any housing accommodation
before the end of the term of a lease because of pregnancy or the birth of a

(Seems you are not in one of the protected classes.) Sorry.
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