I would appreciate any help to right this wrong situation that happened to a parole. He initially had a warrant out for parole violation-abscounding (sp?) which was resolved. The last when he talked to his parole officer, she said everything was fine and she would take care of the warrants as long as he checked in with her next week. She was transferred out and he had a new officer but apparently that information was not relayed to the new officer so the warrants were still outstanding, unknownst to him. So now he is in jail for those warrants. Because of that he can't make it to his college classes and all that money and time will be wasted...and for what- because of some sloppy irresponsible work. If that warrant goes through it's like 3 to 9 months jail time. This is so so unjust, i can't believe its happening. Somehow, someway someone needs to be accountable and this needs to be rectified asap. Is there a way to validate that conversation between his officer and him, like recorded or some kind of statement. This suitation is ruining his life, its obscene that there's no accountablity and beyond unjust that this can happen. How do i proceed to rectify and for retribution.