Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct Looking at a woman’s butt.


New Member
And in CA. It may fall under sexual harassment but if it's in public out of work, what legal trouble can result from looking at a woman's breast or butt with proof? Even at a beach in her bikini?
And in CA. It may fall under sexual harassment but if it's in public out of work, what legal trouble can result from looking at a woman's breast or butt with proof? Even at a beach in her bikini?

Simply looking isn't a crime. You'll catch a lot of flack for it if you stare, however, particularly in this #metoo era. Do it at work and you may well find yourself facing sexual harassment problems that could lead to you being terminated and, if you are a manager/owner of the business, might end owing a lot of money in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
if it's in public out of work, what legal trouble can result from looking at a woman's breast or butt with proof? Even at a beach in her bikini?

Brother, you don't know a better occupation
Matter of fact, neither do I
Than standing on the corner watching all the girls go by.
Brother, you can't go to jail for what you're thinking
Or for that woo look in your eye
You're only standing on the corner watching all the girls go by.

(Paraphrased from Standing on the Corner by The Four Lads 1956)

Simply looking isn't a crime. You'll catch a lot of flack for it if you stare, however, particularly in this #metoo era. Do it at work and you may well find yourself facing sexual harassment problems that could lead to you being terminated and, if you are a manager/owner of the business, might end owing a lot of money in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
So technically even IF one stares there's no legal action that can be taken?
So technically even IF one stares there's no legal action that can be taken?

It's not a crime to simply stare. But as I said, there are some circumstances, like in employment, where you may well face adverse consequences, like getting sued.

If you are a mature male, you shouldn't be staring at women anyway because it makes the women feel uncomfortable or harassed and mature men don't knowingly do things that make others uncomfortable or feeling harassed. Doing that just makes you a creep.
Aren't these women inviting staring (aka "admiration")? I'd be staring for a while. Does that make me a creep? It doesn't.

There's looking, acknowledging silently with as much admiration you care to use that, "hey, that's some nice stuff there" and going about your business.

Then there's a prolonged stare-and-leer beyond the few seconds that most people give to whoever else is on the sidewalk.

The first is fine and probably welcome/invited.

The second is incipient creephood.
Aren't these women inviting staring (aka "admiration")? I'd be staring for a while. Does that make me a creep? It doesn't.


Honestly, at this point in our lives, we should realize that this type of dress is almost conservative. The second thing we should realize is that our daughters (or, at least mine) are older than these young women.
Aren't these women inviting staring (aka "admiration")? I'd be staring for a while. Does that make me a creep? It doesn't.


Look away, my friend, always look away!!!


We've lived TOO long to get into trouble today!!!

That STUFF ain't nuttin' but trouble.

LQQK away.

As my sixth grade teacher would regularly remind the class, "Students, always keep your eyes on your own paper!"
It may fall under sexual harassment but if it's in public out of work, what legal trouble can result from looking at a woman's breast or butt with proof?

With proof of what?

In general, no law prohibits one person from looking at another person -- regardless of which part of the "lookee's" body the "looker" is focusing on. Of course, if you're doing this in a workplace, things will be different.

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