Male Slandered by Women

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My husband drove me to the makeup store and we both have been going there for five years together. Yesterday, we went to the store together and my husband was
very tired (he works nights) and did not want to follow me around in the store. He stood by himself for less than five minutes
by a wall and was watching me go up and down the aisle. He told me exactly the order of the aisle I went down and that is how I know he was watching me. It took him six years to ask me on a date. He then came up to me to tell me that he was going to go to sleep in the car. About 15 minutes later my
husband was woken up by the police and was questioned
about who he was and why he was there. The police came
into the store to find me. I happened to be on line
checking out and the officer started to ask me questions about my husband. Like, where does he work,
etc. He did this in front of everyone and the whole store was watching. It was horrible! No confidentiality!!! So, I found out
that someone in the store did not like him standing in the store and according to the police they called on him
for (suspiscious behavior). Then I approached the manager and asked why did she call the cops on my husband, he is no threat to anyone" She said "you can never be too careful with all these kidnappings going on and him standing made people nervous and I have to protect my employees." So, she was implying
my husband could have been a kidnapper or some criminal. The real reason they called the police is that he was a man in
a womens store. Plain and simple predjudice behavior. The management is so poorly trained all they had to do was ask him why he was there and he
would have said that he was with his wife. This store has such a high turn over that we never see the same people working in the past five years. So, no one stays long enough to get to know the customers. We obtained all the employees names involved in this and then went to the police station to talk to someone. We found out this store calls the police at least every two weeks. The police said they were going to go back and have a talk with the management because they felt they have been abusing the police department. The corporate office said they are sending me a formal letter of apology but I do not
feel that is enough. They are not going to review the police report are review their surveillance video. This will prove that my husband was not doing anything. We asked them to do this but they refuse to.
I am very angry. My husband is a quiet, gentle,shy, kind
man. He did not deserve to be treated this way especially since he was not doing anything. Any advice? Alert to all men: be careful if you are in a
womens store, this can happen to you.
This is not legal Advice!

Hi Mrs Woods,

First of all, you are quite right to stick up for your partner, it is your natural reaction.
I have no doubts he is a good man and that he would not hurt a fly.

This though is another outlook, Lets say for instance, it was not your partner standing outside that shop and it was a total stranger you did not know! you noticed this man on the way in and you thought to yourself he looked a bit strange, as he didn't seem to be with anyone. You then go about your business because you think that he can't be a problem or the staff would be keeping an eye on him. 5 mins later you here another women screeming and crying "my baby" you go to see what is going on. You then here the shop assitant say, "I thought that man was your partner he left with your child"
You would then be thinking if the shop assitant thought this man was strange, why did they not approch him! Why did they not imform the police!

Well in most instances shop assitance will not approch someone who they think might be strange, for the same reason you would not approch someone when you are out because you can't predict how that person may react! I think in this instance the shop assitance were right to call the police because they did not see your situation they were presuming the worst!

Now let's say, in my story they did call the police of this suspect man and when the police turned up and checked him out he was a known fellon of terrible crimes. Would you not think then the shop assitance were alert and deserved a medal. I would.

Try to put this situation behind you and book it down to experiance, I am very sure the shop assitance meant no harm. Time is a great healer and next time you go to the shops and leave him outside, make the shop assitant aware he is with you! By the way, I hope you bought yourself somthing nice....

good luck.
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