Homicide, Murder, Manslaughter Manslaughter Charges for Dumb Kid's Parents


I am very curious how this new case in Michigan will pan out regarding the parents of the kid who shot up the school.
My initial impression is that manslaughter charges against them are a long stretch. They aren't any more responsible than the school officials who observed his prior behavior and failed to prevent the unknown.
If they are found guilty, I wonder how that might change things going forward when dumb kids will know their family will suffer consequences. I suppose that knowledge could even be a motivator rather than a deterrent.
Now that Rittenhouse is over I have a new trial to get me through the next year.
Now that Rittenhouse is over I have a new trial to get me through the next year.

Mate, where have you been?

Court TV started covering the Daunte Wright trial this week.

12/3/31 Death of Daunte Wright: Use-of-Force Expert Analyzes Bodycam Footage - Court TV

That is the MN case where an officer and suspect struggled enough such that the officer attempted to utilize her taser.
She claims she MISTOOK her pistol for the taser, and Wright got shot instead of tasered, subsequently passing away.

The Oxford, MI case you cited will eventually fizzle out, or become a real barn burner.


From the MI Penal Code:

Act 328 of 1931

750.321 Manslaughter. Sec. 321.

Manslaughter—Any person who shall commit the crime of manslaughter shall be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, not more than 15 years or by fine of not more than 7,500 dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court.

Michigan Voluntary Manslaughter Law - FindLaw

The charge might get dismissed prior to trial.
Charging either parent with manslaughter seems to be overreaching, as some prosecutors tend to do regularly.

Think malem prohibitem as contrasted malem en se.

Malum prohibitum describes an activity that is only illegal because of a statutory element, as opposed to conduct that is evil in and of itself, or malum en se.

This article takes a deep dive into the topic.

Mala In Se Crimes | LegalMatch
Mate, where have you been?

All over California, but nowhere particular. I always prefer to be right here at home with my kitty on my lap :)

Court TV started covering the Daunte Wright trial this week.

Oh that lady is toast. She blew it. I don't buy her "mistake" at all. She panicked.

As for the parents of the dumb kid, it appears that gun control advocates want to use legal acs of buying a firearm and training with it as evidence that the parents should have been able to forsee the future and neglected to do so.
The argument at the arraignment was all about what parents should have done, while at the same time school officials were aware of the same behaviors and still sent the kid back to class. If the parents committed manslaughter, then the school officials did as well.

I too think it will disappear, but not without making some noise.

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