There are many changes underway here at The Law Forums for a variety of reasons, some of which do and do not include Google. With the huge number of mobile users coming here for legal help, I have redesigned the site to be leaner, slicker and more streamlined. Don't worry - if you like the current look and feel you'll still be able to use the old forum if you're a moderator. 
The rest of the site will take a similar look and feel with the entire main menu at the top, above the logo, with submenus available by sections once you're inside the section. It's more organized and the entire site will also have the same look and feel wherever you are. I hope you like it.
In addition, I'm consolidating the forums in a way I should have done a long time ago. For example, the Criminal Law forums will be consolidated into two forums but questions will require the user to define what area of criminal law they are asking about. While it will be all in one forum (which makes it easier to see the questions as well as ask), every topic will have an ability to be sorted and seen only by that topic, e.g. shoplifting. Click the tag or use the search and every shoplifting thread will be seen as if it were in a forum result.
You can also see that the worthless tags will now serve as "jurisdiction". There are many reasons to do this and I'll be refining how this will work but, for now, it will be a better system with the dropdown for question asking in many of the popular forums. Eventually, this forum is going to move to a whole nice new forum that I'm sure you'll love. For now, no need to fix what isn't broken.
Thank you all for your support. As always, feel free to comment on anything, no holds barred, both the good, and... the better, lol.

The rest of the site will take a similar look and feel with the entire main menu at the top, above the logo, with submenus available by sections once you're inside the section. It's more organized and the entire site will also have the same look and feel wherever you are. I hope you like it.
In addition, I'm consolidating the forums in a way I should have done a long time ago. For example, the Criminal Law forums will be consolidated into two forums but questions will require the user to define what area of criminal law they are asking about. While it will be all in one forum (which makes it easier to see the questions as well as ask), every topic will have an ability to be sorted and seen only by that topic, e.g. shoplifting. Click the tag or use the search and every shoplifting thread will be seen as if it were in a forum result.
You can also see that the worthless tags will now serve as "jurisdiction". There are many reasons to do this and I'll be refining how this will work but, for now, it will be a better system with the dropdown for question asking in many of the popular forums. Eventually, this forum is going to move to a whole nice new forum that I'm sure you'll love. For now, no need to fix what isn't broken.

Thank you all for your support. As always, feel free to comment on anything, no holds barred, both the good, and... the better, lol.