Very interesting indeed Michael; thanks for sharing. I linked to your article in another forum I frequent where people are discussing the new medical marijuana craze here in Vegas.
Thanks much! Tomorrow's article should be fun - was very interesting reading about new information surrounding THC limits and testing. Reliable information is still in an emerging state and it's clear that the law will be adapting quickly. Didn't realize that Vegas is that attuned to cannabis - but I am not surprised at all, especially given it's proximity. And it's nowhere near as conservative as the northeast!
Great article, and another of my pet peeves, medical marijuana.
I'm looking forward to your follow up.....
We've discussed this trend towards decriminalizing marijuana and I've come to agree that we'll rue the day it's decriminalization began.
Colorado is having some second and third thoughts.
Marijauna may not be as bad as some say, buts it certainly not the panacea others tout it to be.
Thank you as well! I've given marijuana some serious thought and compare its decriminalization and similarities and differences with alcohol. Every one of these substances comes with its own set of problems. Questions I've asked are (a) whether there are addictions that will be difficult to control and of more serious cause for concern; and (b) whether the law will be impacting enough to ensure that use is reasonably safe with regard to self and others.
Assuming that marijuana isn't as addictive as other substances, I am concerned about the latter. There are two issues and both revolve around your fantastic phrase that I'm going to borrow, lol - "the panacea others tout it to be." While I am aware of plenty of responsible tokers, hanging around here makes you realize how many are deluded into thinking that marijuana only has beneficial effects and, if they need it to relieve a medical symptom, the world should accommodate them - e.g. driving after smoking / toking. Ironic as it may be, alcohol is probably a more devastating substance and that isn't illegal. But at least people are under no illusion that drinking makes you a better driver. I don't know if criminalizing helps solve that issue or it's better to have more stringent impairment laws, putting the complete responsibility upon the person using marijuana to make absolutely sure that they aren't impaired. Erring on the side of caution - even with THC limits which may indicate non-impairment - may not be such a bad idea so long as it means people can smoke at their leisure but the public safety is prioritized.
There is also the other issue that nobody talks about - the long term health problems. Cigarette smoking has proved to be devastating. It is still too early to make any firm conclusions about cannabis but the
NIH has stated that long term effects of cannabis use include:
- difficulty with thinking and problem-solving (lowered IQ)
- temporary hallucinations and paranoia which can lead to long term mental health problems
- impaired memory
- altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
- altered sense of time
- changes in mood
- impaired body movement
Our health care system will obviously be required to help deal with the costs associated with the repercussions of cannabis abuse. Other than for medical purposes where the drug can be used as a cure or as a pain killer, isn't marijuana the same as every other recreational activity which provides no tangible benefit other than enjoyment, e.g. soda? I can't say for sure as I'm not a smoker. But none of my friends who are occasional marijuana smokers claim any benefits other than enjoying a relaxed state of mind.
We live in a very interesting time.