Marina Coil

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hi can someone give me some advice please.i got the marina coil fitted a year ago .5months ago my hair started to fall out i dident know why. i hadent been under any stress nothing like that .i went to my doc;s who told me not to worry as i had lots of hair i can hide it .my hair was down to my elbow and realy thick and wavie .he dident take it very seorislay at all. a few weeks later i went back as the right side was nearly all bald only some little strands where left and the left side wasent muck better but there was some long bits there. my doc was shocked at how quicly my hair had fallen out he sent me to get some blood tests done a week later the blood all came back clear .my doc couldent explain why this had happend to me he has reffered me to a dermatoligest witch is on the 3rd dec.he felt my scalp and told me there was NO HAIR FOILCALS THERE SO TO BEAWERE THAT MY HAIR IS MORE IN LIKELY NO GOING TO GROW BACK. i was very upset by partner looked it up on the internet (unexpected hair loss)the first thing that came up was the marina coil hundreds of woman all with the same problem as mine (there hair fell out quickly) and thay all tought it was the marina coil thay got it out and bettwen 2to 4 months there hair grew the next day i phoned up to get mine out the reseptnest told me i would have to wait untill the 25th nov.but i told her why i wanted it out and she told me to wait untill she spoke to the doc .she came back on the phone and told me to come up the next day it get in out i wouldent need a consaltation she said the doc would take it right out for me .i went up the next day and told the doc who was talking it out what i thought about the marina coil and she DIDENT DISAGREE WITH ME.she said she would wave a yellow flag(but i dident understand what she ment ).she told me to keep a video diary .witch i have done .3weeks later my hair has started to grow back its like baby;s hair fluffy and fine but it there in small patches but you can see it .do i have a case against the makers of the marina coil .this has caused me no end of discomfort . i cancelled my wedding witch was ment to be on the 28th nov i put a lot of time and efort into my wedding and money and dident get my money back . i dident want to be a baldy bride .im not vain or anything but at this moment i can even look in the bathroom mirror my partner put a towle over the ones in the bathrooms because i just cry when i see myself .im very down down at the moment and i no its because of my hair people stare at me in the street and when my friend talk to me thay cant help but stair at my head and this is with a bandana on i dont like going out not even to the shops now ernie dose all that for me i dont even walk the kids to school much now i used to do it every day thank you for taken the time to read this (ps sorry about the spelling i not very good at it )
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