Negligence, Other Injury marn

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My son was a golf course assistant superintendent. OSHA standards were top priority, with the exception of proper education,training and protocol involving risk,danger and treatment upon being bitten by deer ticks. All ER treatment was after work hours, to extract deer ticks, instead of at the discovery of tick bite/embedment. As a result he became infected with Lyme disease. He was highly regarded& by his(employer's) own admission the best employee he'd ever had under his reign as Head Superintendent.As a result of neglect, this disease has ravaged my son's health.He was hospitalized,misdiagnosed&released with inappropriate medications causing him to need to return home with me to home State, because he could not care for himself. Proper diagnosis came seven months later.By then,sick pay was exhausted& golf course controller voluntarily filed worker comp,which was denied several months ago. Decision has recently been recent. My son doesn't want to sue the golf course, but I feel he's entitled to compensation for the blatant disregard of his physical well being. He can no longer perform physical duty required,in the field of his Degree. He's suffered extreme medical debt, as have my husband and I (insurance doesn't cover treatment). The loss he's suffered is ongoing. I personally believe this to be a legitimate case.I would greatly appreciate answer to the validity of the above. It would determine if I offer unsolicited advice to my son.
My son was a golf course assistant superintendent. OSHA standards were top priority, with the exception of proper education,training and protocol involving risk,danger and treatment upon being bitten by deer ticks. All ER treatment was after work hours, to extract deer ticks, instead of at the discovery of tick bite/embedment. As a result he became infected with Lyme disease. He was highly regarded& by his(employer's) own admission the best employee he'd ever had under his reign as Head Superintendent.As a result of neglect, this disease has ravaged my son's health.He was hospitalized,misdiagnosed&released with inappropriate medications causing him to need to return home with me to home State, because he could not care for himself. Proper diagnosis came seven months later.By then,sick pay was exhausted& golf course controller voluntarily filed worker comp,which was denied several months ago. Decision has recently been recent. My son doesn't want to sue the golf course, but I feel he's entitled to compensation for the blatant disregard of his physical well being. He can no longer perform physical duty required,in the field of his Degree. He's suffered extreme medical debt, as have my husband and I (insurance doesn't cover treatment). The loss he's suffered is ongoing. I personally believe this to be a legitimate case.I would greatly appreciate answer to the validity of the above. It would determine if I offer unsolicited advice to my son.

I suggest you speak to some lawyers in the State of New York, in the county where he was employed.
Make a few telephone calls, see what New York state licensed lawyers have to say about your son's issues.
WC would be his exclusive remedy if this happened at work. If he missed the statute of limitations, he is out of luck. Tick bites/Lyme's disease usually has special, unique rules under WC. There was debate in NY a few years ago to list Lyme's disease as an Occupational illness. It was vetoed but admittedly I am not up on the latest as I am not in NY. Depending upon how long ago this was, he may or may not have recourse. Did he appeal the WC decision? What reason was given for the denial?

Tick removal does not require an ER visit. Did he not keep tweezers around to remove them as soon as they were found? Surely there was a first aid kit at the job with tweezers.
He apparently cannot prove the tick bite was even at work. This negates the claims solidity. I'm glad he found the cause of his problem and can now work on recovery.
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