Married, if I move out, can my husband cancel my health insurance cove


New Member
I apologize if this is in the wrong section as I am unsure if this belongs in 'Health Insurance, HMO, HIPPA & Disability' OR somewhere in 'Family Law' forum.

I am currently married, unemployed and living with my husband. I have decided to move out and in with my boyfriend. I am not interested in my husband's money, i.e. alimony, or anything—just my sanity and happiness. My boyfriend can't add me to his insurance until I am divorced we marry. In the interim, if we move in together, can my husband cancel my insurance? I agree that it's not deserved of him to be required to continue pay for my coverage since I am in the wrong, and walking out on him, but it is what it is, and going a year or more without coverage is not very smart. I understand the best plan would be to slow down, but there is a lot more to this story than I have time to explain, and many reasons why I need to break away from this controlling man as soon as possible.

If he can kick me off, can I apply for insurance through Affordable Health Care program? I will be seeking employment in my new city of residence which will solve a lot of problems, but I haven't been a part of the workforce for many years so I do not know how long this could take. Please help me. Thanks.
Ok so you got tired of hubby and found a BF. Now you want to leave hubby and eventually marry BF (frying pan to fire) However you want hubby you cheated on and want to leave to foot bill for your Health insurance? Do I have that correct?

Look into Medicaid until open enrollment begins
He can cancel you but not necessarily immediately. He will probably have to wait until you have legal separation or final divorce. Without that, he will have to wait until his company's open enrollment. When he does cancel you, you should receive paperwork from his employer that offers you the option to continue the coverage at your own expense. You should call the benefits person at his employment and provide them with your new mailing address. Or yes, you can apply through the government exchange.
Ok so you got tired of hubby and found a BF. Now you want to leave hubby and eventually marry BF (frying pan to fire) However you want hubby you cheated on and want to leave to foot bill for your Health insurance? Do I have that correct?

Look into Medicaid until open enrollment begins

try being a little less judgmental for a change. you have no idea what the other side of the story is. (deleted by moderator)
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If you're going to post here, please watch your language. First time, I edit. Second time, I suspend privileges.
I love it when the cheating wife complains about the husband who is controlling. Perhaps if he was a little more controlling you would not be cheating on him, nor would you have the free time to do so. It is nice you are leaving. It sounds like he deserves much better. Unfortunately, he likely will not be able to drop you until open enrollment or the divorce is finalized.

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