medical bill

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I used to have a medical insurance as a dependent on my spouse's employment-based account. I am receiving medical bills on my account but the account bears my spouse's social security number. If he doesn't pay, then do I have to pay these bills?
This is a contract issue with two sides:

You as the patient have a contract with the provider to pay him for his medical services. He also has a contract with the insurer about what to charge and accepting payment options etc.

But, if for whatever reason the insurance won't pay, and it is not a contractual thing between the insurance and the provider (like for example their contract says this medical treatment should not be charged), then you as the one who was the patient have to foot the bill.

The provider kept his part of the deal and provided you with medical services, now he wants to be paid. That is only fair.
But I am currently not workng and I have been unemployed for a long time. But my husband has a well-paying job-he has the means to pay the bills. I went in for some of the appointments only because he insisted-I don't think I actually needed to see the doctor. Now he refuses to pay up!How can I resolve this?
are you separated, divorced or living together? What kind of bill are that? Is that the insurance copayment, has the insurance refused payment or have they never been presented to the insurance? Are you covered by insurance or not?
We are not divorced or separated. These are bills that have not been covered by insurance or are in the works. These bills have come to me from the doctor's office.

Thanks for your help.
Hm, I don't quite see where the problem is.

As far as I understand the facts are these:

1. You went to see a doctor and he performed medical services
2. You are covered by health insurance under a policy held by your husband.
3. You are neither separated nor divorced.
4. Your husband earns money, you don't.

Now, there are some clear legal rules:

1. You obtained the services of the doctor, so the doctor has a right to be paid for them by you.
2. By contract some or all of the costs can be borne by the health insurance. Depending on the contract the doctor can bill the insurance company directly or you can be reimbursed by them. There can be items not covered by insurance, then you are liable to pay for them.
3. If you don't pay the bills the doctor can sue you and collect.
4. Since you are married your husband has a legal duty to support you, in most jurisdictions that means that he has to provide you with the necessities of life to which medical treatment belongs. So if you have no own property the doctor can go after your husband's property.

But why making everything complicated? Why not simply pay the bills if they are fair?
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