Medical bills are outrageous. Does it really pay off to have a good paying job?


My job has insurance but it's very crappy because it is always going up and they claim that people make too many claims on it.. I mean it doesn't make any sense for me to Pay so much in medical and prescriptions and someone that doesn't have a job or because they can manipulate the system and get chips or some other govt funding and not have to pay a dime..

I mean who is really the smart person in this situation? I'm thinking it would be wiser for me to just quit my job and sit at home eating ribeyes I get on my lone star card and if I get sick from eating them I'll just go to emergency room and use my govt card there while I laugh at someone paying 1,300 of there hard earned money bringing in someone to the emergency room.

I mean it sucks. I just paid 1,300 for emergency room visit that took a whopping 30 minutes. Lord have mercy where is the break at in life? I can't ever get ahead on anything and I've been living my life cutting back on expenses. Don't travel. Don't spend excessively. But yet someone with a burger flipping job is always posting how much money they spent at the bars and bragging about there nice cars on Facebook when I can barely manage to stay afloat. What gives world? Let's try something different. Enough with this damn Obama equality care bull crap!!
I just paid 1,300 for emergency room visit that took a whopping 30 minutes.

You got treated in an ER in 30 minutes? Wow. Most people sit there in pain for 3 or 4 hours unless it's a heart attack or gunshot wound.

someone with a burger flipping job is always posting how much money they spent at the bars and bragging about there nice cars on Facebook

They could be lying, in debt up to their ears, or living with a bunch of roommates so they can save a few bucks.

What gives world?

Welcome to Socialist America.

Enough with this damn Obama equality care bull crap!!

You got that right.

Trump for President.
Change is in the air.
However, even if Trump is elected in November, it'll be 12-18 months before any changes can be effected.
I agree, something's gotta give.
It might be time consider emigration to a nice, quiet country nearer the equator.
You don't seriously think a Trump presidency (shudder - the very idea makes me ill) will benefit the little guy, do you?

If so, I'd like a puff of whatever you're smoking.
You don't seriously think a Trump presidency (shudder - the very idea makes me ill) will benefit the little guy, do you?

Well, he's not going to disarm 150,000,000 Americans like Hilary has sworn to do.

And the last thing this country needs is another socialist.

Democrats out. :p

Republicans in. Yay. :D
30 minutes was the time from when doctor looked at my daughter in the ER until we got released. Spent about an hour from when we walked in and sat in the room waiting. I guess I should of made that clear. Was just pointing out how much I spent for how little time the doctor took on patient. Makes me sick.

But I do agree with you on trump. Can't wait for the war but atleast it will spark the steel industry.

Fight back America.

Show Obama what a real man is like!!!
Was just pointing out how much I spent for how little time the doctor took on patient.

Reminds me of a story. A guy was having electrical problems in his building. Called an electrician. Electrician came out, inspected the electrical service, took out a small part, replaced it, gave the guy a bill for $2000.

The guy is shocked and says "That little part cost $2000?"

"No" says the electrician "It only costs $5."

The guy says "Then what's the $1995 for?"

"For knowing where to put it."
Well I know where I'm putting that 1300 before I give it to the hospital. And I'm not talking about in there bank. I hope they get ecoli
You don't seriously think a Trump presidency (shudder - the very idea makes me ill) will benefit the little guy, do you?

If so, I'd like a puff of whatever you're smoking.

What presidency has ever benefitted, what you term, "the little guy"?

My unsolicited advice to anyone, take care of yourself, and your own.

No one else will.

Career politicians make me shudder.

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