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I am not sure this is the proper forum for my question but it seems correct.

I live in Virginia. I have suffered with chronic pain for 20 years. I have a lpain management doctor. He is of course an MD. He and I have been together for about 10 years. We have worked out a fairly effective pain management program using opioids. In 10 years we have tried many other drugs but opioids are the only ones that work. I have taken the same amount of opioids for 20 years. Other than using cannabis recreationally in the 1970s I have never used drugs. I do not drink alcohol. IOW I have no drug problem.

I would like to try medical cannabis. Many people say it works remarkably well for them. Much better than opioids. Medical cannabis is legal in Virginia but my doctor HATES marijuana.  He says it is a "gateway (?)" drug. We have discussed cannabis and he absolutely refuses to consider it for me. In fact he says if he tests me and finds THC in my system he will stop treating me. I do need  some type of effective pain management and as I mentioned opioids are fairly effective.

Can my doctor legally stop treating me if I am using a medicine that the state says is legal? Wouldn't he be violating the law by refusing to treat me? We have medical cannabis dispensaries in Virginia. I can get certified by a doctor or nurse practitioner to use cannabis bought at these dispensaries. 

If I challenged him in court what would be the likely outcome?

Thank you for any and all light you can shed on this.

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