medical certificate never received

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I recertified for fmla in march 25 2013 received paper work from doctor april 20 2013 faxed paper work to the office that handles this type of paper work. 3 days later received a email stating priliminary approval. In the mean time I suffer from a chronic condition. And have taken hous off from work but have a vot for everytime I am off. And have provided the supervisor with a. Copy. This is now july 2013 and I receive a letter in the mail stating denial of fmla because they say they never receive the documents. My question can I loose my job. I explain to the hr rep that why would I think that it could be denied. After 90 days have gone by since I fax the information over. I just need to know my legal rights.
First off, just to verify, how much time have you taken off for your chronic condition since you first applied for FMLA/first went out on FMLA leave? Thanks.
You have 15 days from the day your HR/supervisor/what have you at your employer's gives you the paperwork, to get it returned, completed, by the doctor. If I am reading your (unpunctuated) post correctly, it was 26 days before you faxed it over. Did you get a fax confirmation of receipt? Did you get a final approval?
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