Sorry for not replying, as i forgot about this post. I will finally tell you all what happened, now that most do not care lol. I was working with this girl and we were friends. I started to hang out with her outside of work. Im currently a full time student and didnt want to go out with her because im more invested in school. She grew feelings for me and i told her we are just friends. After years of being put into the horrible friendzone it is me who friendszones them lol. Anyways she told my boss that i threatened to shoot her of which i didnt. I asked her "did you tell work that i threatened you?" which she replied "where not suppose to talk about that". I then loudly said "Your a b****" and "your a f***ing c****" then i went home. The next day i was fired and the cops called me. I told them that i didnt threaten her and that if i did it was a joke. I also explained the situation which is shes mad caused i didnt give her a taste of my sexy bod. I was freaking out about that cause i really didnt want to have to go to court. Im actually innocent here and so i would definitely fight this if i had to. But nothing has popped up, which is how it should be. I learned that some women can be very vindictive and that i made the right decision in not going out with this one. Imagen how it would of been if i went out with her.