Mental Health #11 - A New Beginning

My brother lost a son at age 30. He will never be the same. I can't even imagine losing a child of 14. So so sad.
This is so very sad. I understand from personal experience that losing your child, no matter what their age, is the most devastating experience a parent can have, but it's hard to fathom losing one at that young age from something that started out as simply as a case of the flu.
This is so very sad. I understand from personal experience that losing your child, no matter what their age, is the most devastating experience a parent can have, but it's hard to fathom losing one at that young age from something that started out as simply as a case of the flu.

I agree, and my wife says her mother is devastated.
A couple of faculty members visited her home this morning, and reported the entire family is taking it very hard, as would anyone.
My brother lost a son at age 30. He will never be the same. I can't even imagine losing a child of 14. So so sad.

That's what most people are saying, but no one knows what to say to the family.
As one who has used words to make his living, this is one of those times when words aren't enough.

From the movie "Duets" - Free Bird (sung acapella) - vy the actor Andre Braugher, says it best in song.

If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me
For I must be travelin' on now
There's too many places I got to see

If I stay here with you girl
Things just couldn't be the same
'Cause I'm as free as a bird now
And this bird you cannot change
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
And the bird you cannot change
And this bird you cannot change
Lord knows, I can't change
An injured party tries to settle a matter for $28,000.00. The other party offers $10,000.00.
The injured party gets a lawyer. The lawyers says "You will get 6 figures." I will keep ya'll posted on the final result.
An injured party tries to settle a matter for $28,000.00. The other party offers $10,000.00.
The injured party gets a lawyer. The lawyers says "You will get 6 figures." I will keep ya'll posted on the final result.

Without spilling any of Bush's beautiful, baked beans; was the injured party harmed physically, or mentally?

If possible for you to reveal factual details, without revealing details personal to tither party?

For example, Buster walked past Bumpy's Barber Shop, just as the barber pole fell on Buster's head.
Buster suffered a concussion, was in a coma for 20 days, required 6 pints of blood during his six surgeries, broken collar bone, had to endure cervical surgery, a 10 week hospital stay, a 20 week rehab facility stay, requires 24 hour nursing services, and has expended $40,000 to make his home handicap accessible. Buster has somewhat recovered, but can no longer walk, making him unable to ply his trade as a professional golfer. Last year, Buster earned $800,000 in golfing tournaments, and another $200,000 in product endorsements.

I'll be awaiting further updates, including the final outcome.

Thank you.
The "injured" party was terminated due to health condition and not offered FMLA. Lots of lies were told trying to cover up, and some of the employers actions were deemed intentional and malicious by the investigation. Numerous consequences to the employee financially, mentally and health wise.
The "injured" party was terminated due to health condition and not offered FMLA. Lots of lies were told trying to cover up, and some of the employers actions were deemed intentional and malicious by the investigation. Numerous consequences to the employee financially, mentally and health wise.

I remember that sad event.

I don't usually handicap lawsuits, but I'm going to say the lawyer will be very successful in this case.

Six figures is spot on, maybe seven.

Keep us posted.
The lawyers seemed very confident, they are starting with 7 figures. There is plenty of evidence.
The employer has been mistreating employees in similar fashion for years and getting away with it. For the sake of their employees in the future I hope they are severely punished.
The lawyers seemed very confident, they are starting with 7 figures. There is plenty of evidence.
The employer has been mistreating employees in similar fashion for years and getting away with it. For the sake of their employees in the future I hope they are severely punished.

I think all will be well for those injured by illegal actions of others, in this particular instance.

Despite his medical maladies, his finances are being helped, and this big win will secure his family's needs for decades.
Paging Betty3, ElleMD, panther and DAW: If you're still moderating at LLT you need to create a new account with a new user name and give your new name to Ron via the Moderators Only forum. There's been an upgrade and the new account is needed for spam-busting.
Hi Guys.............. haven't posted in a long time but always lurking and learning! I have a question regarding employees pay and hoping you can help. We have two hotels within walking distance of each other but with two different EIN #'s. Sometimes the employees work both hotels. My question is if an employee works at say "Hotel A" for 40 hours, and then works at "Hotel B" for 5 five hours , would the 5 hours be paid at time and a half even though "Hotel B" has a different EIN #?

Side note- Currently if an employee is assigned and works at "A" and then works at "B" but not creating overtime hours the compensation is paid through the hotel that the person is assigned and then accounting takes care of reimbursing the assigned hotel with funds from the other hotel. Also both hotels are owned by the same individual.

Cathy I think I posted this question a few years ago on the other site and you answered but can't remember your answer, heck I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night!
I'm pretty sure that wage and hour (and your employees) would see that as a convenient way to avoid paying overtime if you did NOT pay it as overtime. Besides that you are paying it from one EIN and technically the person is only an employee of that one EIN.
If you can't get over what one anonymous poster wrote on the internet you need to go back to your counselor. This is not the appropriate forum for another poster to discuss your insecurities or history of abuse.
This is again, not the appropriate place for that. If you have a grievance with a particular poster, send them a private message.

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