Mental Health #12 - or so

The Nigerian prince continues to rake in loot after 25 years of his shenanigans.
It's rather frightening that someone that gullible/dumb is allowed out on their own.

Unfortunately people fall victim to obvious scams every day. Elderly, mentally impaired, and uneducated people are the most common victims. In short, these scams tend to hurt the most vulnerable among our population more than anyone.
Unfortunately people fall victim to obvious scams every day. Elderly, mentally impaired, and uneducated people are the most common victims. In short, these scams tend to hurt the most vulnerable among our population more than anyone.

I've known some victims that were educated, wealthy, and powerful.

Greed knows no socioeconomic, ethnic, or educational barrier.

The victims weren't stupid, even intellectually challenged, they allowed their greed to overcome their common sense.
A place where I worked briefly in the 80's got the first one of the Nigerian prince letters I had ever seen. The owners almost fell for it and likely would have had it not been for problems calling the Nigerian number. Of course, they weren't the brightest lights on the tree which is one reason I didn't work there long.

There was also an F1 team that was pretty much brought down by a Nigerian Prince.
I've known some victims that were educated, wealthy, and powerful.

Greed knows no socioeconomic, ethnic, or educational barrier.

Greed can grip anyone. But while some educated people fall for obvious scams, what I see much more are those who are more vulnerable falling for it.
Greed can grip anyone. But while some educated people fall for obvious scams, what I see much more are those who are more vulnerable falling for it.

We all see different things.

I never assume what I have seen that others haven't seen something different.

The world is not a one size fits all planet.
Calling @KatDini or anyone else who is knowledgeable about emails.

Person A and Person B have an extensive email correspondence.

Person C finds access to Person A's email. Maybe Person A is careless and leaves his email open; maybe Person C works out his password.

Obviously, Person C could send an email to Person B purporting to be from Person A. How skilled would Person C have to be to then send an email to person A that purports to be from Person B?
Person C could send an email to Person B purporting to be from Person A. How skilled would Person C have to be to then send an email to person A that purports to be from Person B?

I've seen that scenario played out several times.
Once the techs (or law enforcement) get involved, the ruse can be sorted rather quickly.

Each time an email is sent, there is a rather elaborate audit trail that reveals from whence the email originated.

The forensics experts can identify the device and the network from whence the email originated.

That means the true owner of the email account can be exonerated and the culprit identified.
Thank you, but that doesn't answer the question. I'm not concerned with whether or not, or how easily, Person C could be caught. I'm concerned with whether they could do what I've suggested at all.

If they can't, I have to re-write my last chapter and come up with a completely different scenario.
I'm concerned with whether they could do what I've suggested at all.

Yes, I have seen all three scenarios just as you queried.

It isn't fantasy.

Its reality.

How skilled would Person C have to be to then send an email to person A that purports to be from Person B?

To achieve what you've postulated takes very little skill.

One of the most common ways its done is Albert leaves his computer unattended while at lunch.

Buster sees an opportunity to make mischief and sends off several insulting emails to some of their colleagues from Albert's computer.

Another example finds Cletus with Albert's password. Off to a nearby library Cletus rushes and sends a few pornographic images to half of Albert's contacts.

It isn't hard, and its done many times a day all over the planet.
Okay, maybe I'm not making myself clear. Let me ask the question again. There is only one scenario I am asking about.

Assuming that Person C had access to Person A's email and that Person A and Person B correspond by email, would Person C have enough information to send Person A an email that purported to be from Person B but which Person B didn't know about?

That is a Yes or No question.
Okay, maybe I'm not making myself clear. Let me ask the question again. There is only one scenario I am asking about.

Assuming that Person C had access to Person A's email and that Person A and Person B correspond by email, would Person C have enough information to send Person A an email that purported to be from Person B but which Person B didn't know about?

That is a Yes or No question.
Yes, that is possible.

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