Mental Health - The Penguin Has Landed

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I really like the higher stance and visability of the compact SUVs. Have had great luck with my Mitsubishi Outlander, now at 153,000 miles. New models are rated to tow 3500lbs. Don't know how heavy your boat is, but I'd look for a medium-sized SUV/crossover with rear or four-wheel drive, a good ridged frame, and enough HP to pull your boat. If the load is over 3000 lbs you might consider a towing package, or at least an oil cooler, oversized radiator, transmission cooler, frame hitch, and a suspension package.

Consumers reports dinged the Santa Fe for visability and handling. I don't have their consumer reliabiliy report with me, but they rate most Hyundai products pretty well on reliability.
I can get you a great deal on any GM, Toyota or Kia product :) It might involve a little travel time :)
The mention of Toyota reminded me about a text I sent my teenaged granddaughter in December. She had mentioned that she wanted a yo-yo for Christmas, but when I asked her about it in the text, my phone autocorrected "yo-yo" to "Toyota". Poor kid, for a fleeting moment there she had high hopes that grandma was buying her a car for Christmas! :)
LOL - what a bummer for her! :)
Everyone have a great weekend. I hope you all have good weather!
Thank you. At about 3pm today my phone went ballistic emitting this high pitched, piercing screech. I was trying to figure out what on earth was going on and hoped that I didn't distract and annoy people within a 3 block radius. It was my weather app letting me (and everyone else) know about this "record setting" storm that was supposed to come our way. Fortunately I already have 3 boxes of bottled water in my apartment, plenty of food - a flashlight, batteries, candles and a standard battery operated radio (the result of 9/11) - and two battery pack chargers for the phone and tablet. We are ready, lol. :D Thank you for your well wishes and the same to all of you, especially cbg. And to my friends in Cali... well... enjoy the beach. :D

it is right to get prepared early. Even I arrange crucial items when there is any storm or bad weather around. Great job:)
cbg, congrats to Boston on advancing to the Stanley Cup finals.
Thank you. At about 3pm today my phone went ballistic emitting this high pitched, piercing screech. I was trying to figure out what on earth was going on and hoped that I didn't distract and annoy people within a 3 block radius. It was my weather app letting me (and everyone else) know about this "record setting" storm that was supposed to come our way. Fortunately I already have 3 boxes of bottled water in my apartment, plenty of food - cheap led flashlights, batteries, candles and a standard battery operated radio (the result of 9/11) - and two battery pack chargers for the phone and tablet. We are ready, lol. Thank you for your well wishes and the same to all of you, especially cbg. And to my friends in Cali... well... enjoy the beach.

it is right to get prepared early. Even I arrange crucial items when there is any storm or bad weather around. Great job:)
I am trying to make emergency cell in my home with most facilities for tough situations..
(I figured I'd post this here because I can't find anywhere else to say it!)

Mr. Pro and I are about to become parents together - our #1 stepdaughter (both of her bio parents are diseased) has asked us to adopt her :D :D :D :D

WA allows for an adult adoption, so that's what we're going to do.

Squee.......... Congratulations to you all. :) Happy news!
Thanks so much, Betty.

This is a huge thing for us.

After both of us being widowed and finding each other, getting married and becoming a family - it's amazing. Proof that no matter what happens, there's always hope and there's always love :)
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