Mental Health - The Penguin Has Landed

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Yep, we get the 3-day weekend....yippee!! DH does not, he just told me yesterday, and on top of having to work that day he'll actually have to work well into the evening on a special project. Meaning I'll be home alone with my dog, who has been particularly demanding lately.

Last night she kept going into the dining room and barking like crazy. Had us checking the house to see what was upsetting her, thinking maybe she smelled or heard something amiss. We couldn't find anything, but when my husband went to put away the leftover turkey from dinner, she freaked out and jumped at him. So we concluded that she was going out and barking because she smelled the turkey cooling on the counter and couldn't get to it, so maybe she figured if she barked enough we'd just give up and throw her the leftovers! Weird dog.
We have the 3 day weekend too. And I don't think we have any penguins scheduled to visit, but if any were in the area today, they'd have been happy birds - it was COLD out! We've been spoiled - we had a warm winter last year and so this year it's been the same until now - we have to remember it isn't always 40 in January.
It was in the upper 50s here today. Tomorrow another day of near 60. However, by Monday the high is to be only low 20s. We've been spoiled too. No significant snow yet - just a dusting a couple of days. We haven't had any we had to shovel.
Stan Musial died. I feel so very, very sad. I have been a Cardinal fan all my life & a season ticket holder for the last 16 years. He was a great ball player & great gentleman. :( I'm glad I got to see him play. He was 92 & in ill health for some time. Oh man - I loved Stan the Man Musial.
Thanks, cbg. I think all Cardinal fans are crying & everyone else who loved him.
Acutally I now have a full size Olympic pool for the critters...they are fat and healthy but that's not a good thing is it? What happened to work ethic? And by the way....that nasty penguin decided to come here and play for a very short time last week. I fed it a piranha and it ran away!
Well, hi, cuz! You may find the whole gang coming to borrow your piranhas if they keep the penguins away!
;) back at ya cuz! Haven't been around for a while...getting acclimated to a new job which I LOVE! I'll be happy to ship out a piranha to anyone that would like to get rid of their penguins. BTW...I LOVE your penguin story! You really should be published!
Hi pjenvic - glad you came over. :)
;) back at ya cuz! Haven't been around for a while...getting acclimated to a new job which I LOVE! I'll be happy to ship out a piranha to anyone that would like to get rid of their penguins. BTW...I LOVE your penguin story! You really should be published!

Working on that!
hum...i did a "post quick reply"...and "gtrotter" said it posted the above...i logged in this time....
When I got married, you guys who were here at the time (there at the time?), under the guidance of Mnementh, gave me a quilt where each of you designed and made one square and Mnementh quilted them all together. That is, btw, bar none the best gift I have ever received from anyone.

But Brian's square purported to be the beer cheese recipe - except that he omitted several key ingredients!
There's a few members from the other forum that still haven't come over. I hope they do. (I haven't seen them make a post anyway.)
Me too. (10 character limit)

So you're saying we can only have 10 "characters" from the other forum come here & that's the limit! :) (just kidding - I know what you meant by 10 character limit)
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