Mental Health - The Penguin Has Landed

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Since this is the most active thread, I figured I'd let everyone know that I upgraded every member in this group to "Approved Member" status which means you should have many more things you can do here including messaging each other, bigger profile pictures, etc. etc. If you're not an Approved Member, just contact me and, at the very worst, use the contact form and I'll take care of it. We are also moving to a very cool new platform next month. Anything you post here, including icons, photos, etc. should all migrate smoothly to the new system. Many thanks to Betty3 for making sure I could identify some of the changes we needed to make.

On an HR note, I used to be legal counsel in a large Internet company back in during the bubble. Dealing with HR folks was definitely one of the most interesting work I've ever done. Probably none of this will surprise you but the top issues I recall dealing with were (1) the guys on the tech team using some of our resources for peer to peer media sharing (a... um... euphemism. :) ) (2) One guy who downloaded at work what he dared not download near the wife at home, and (3) dealing with management of our "celebrity" employees and their idiosyncracies. Most of them were awesome people and only a handful had 16 wheeler baggage... anyways... talk amongst yourselves. :)
Thank you very much. :)
Thank you for the upgrade to those of us who came from the closing down forum. :)
FYI to all of you - this is a software issue that affects all using the same we are. In order to upload a profile picture to appear in your posts like mine, you need to upload an avatar. Your profile picture refers to the one when someone clicks on your name and goes to your profile page like this one for this account: My Profile! . You can use the same or different. Yes, I know it's confusing but I didn't create it and the new software coming in February is quite awesome and takes care of all of this. So, here's how to upload your picture for the forum:

Settings >> Edit Avatar:

Click button for Use Custom Avatar and either enter a URL pointing to an image or upload a photo that is no larger than 100x100 (which is actually quite large) and no larger than 75kb (definitely large enough) and click save changes. If it doesn't work, try again but it worked for me as evidenced in the avatar in this post. Alrighty then, I guess you're all set up. Have fun!
Thanks, Michael, and please join in the fun whenever you like! Wanna be Papa Michael?
Hello everybody! I turned into a lurker on the old board but now I'm back! This looks like a really nice home and I'm happy to be invited into it. I loved the penguin story and now know the history of the penguin.
OK, who sent me penguins in the mail? pesky boogers....Now since there are a few of them the entire city will go on lockdown...
I was able to add an Avatar! :)
Penguin visited here too. He wants to come back Friday night but I have munchkins to haul to a tournament on Saturday morning, dark and early. I still haven't forgiven him for 2009.
I remember you talking about 2009, Elle. What a scary & nerve wracking drive that was. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago though unless I'm thinking of another drive with your munchkins through the snow. Maybe Penguin will make a different turn by Friday/Sat.

Good luck to you & the munchkins in the tournament.
I have had many scary and nerve wracking drives through the snow with the munchkins. In 2009, it happened several times. Two in particular stand out; my weekend "away" tournament during an ice storm and the time the Penguin interpreted the 20% chance of a few flurries to mean a freak snowstorm in the middle of the tournament. Six inches fell in about 2 hours, AFTER a sleet storm so there was a nice layer of ice.

Saturday's tournament this week has been cancelled. Schools here are closing early. We are due for less than 3 inches but no one wants to take any chances. After Snowmaggedon a few years ago, we learned.
I believe since it says TheLaw Student instead of registered user you are upgraded. That is how mine changed.
Yes, he is. He posted a post on the 1st page of this thread.

Benny, you should now be able to add profile picture, Avatar, signature line, post w/o moderator approval......
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