Mental Health - The Penguin Has Landed

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I believe since it says TheLaw Student instead of registered user you are upgraded. That is how mine changed.
Actually that's pretty funny to read - those titles were a fun way to show forum experience ranks as your post count went up... going from TheLaw student all the way to the becoming a Judge and top dog, lol. I have something up somewhere that explains this but for now, I hope you like the color purple. :D
I like the purple - it shows up with the rest being black. Thanks again. :)
Those spammers appear often peddling their scams.

I check regularly, and love to slam my gavel down on those pesky pests.

Ignore the man behind the black dress. LOL :bye:
I thought it was spam - looked like spam to me so I reported it.

PS - I like your bye bye icon!
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I thought it was spam - looked like spam to me so I reported it.

PS - I like your bye bye icon!

The professor provides icons for all to use. They can be found under the smiley face Dropbox above. Or, on the far right, above the word more.

:dunno: :roflmao: :bye: :hugs:

You are allowed to use up to four in each post. Please, enjoy. I like them all.
I don't think I can do all icons that you can. I only see under my message box post icons (certain ones) & it says you may choose an incon for your message from this list. :) I don't see a drop down box or the word more. Might be a moderator privilege.
The local TV stations are all going to broadcast Stan Musial's funeral. They are having pre funeral tributes currently & I'm already crying. I think you probably have to live in the St. Louis area to realize how much Stan the Man Musial meant to us & how much we loved him. Not that anyone here cares to see it but if you do - if you go to my profile page, you can see what the Presidential Medal of Freedom Stan received in 2011 looks like. I'm so glad he was still living when he received it.
Words you do not want to hear from an employee their first day on the job. "I probably should have told you this before..."
This one was a minor issue, but the worst was the lady that I emailed and covered in person. "Is there anything that would prevent you from being here consistently M-F. It's very important that you be here everyday." Her answer via email "Nothing, no problem". Her answer in person, "I never miss work, I never get sick, my kids are grown. My husband is undergoing chemo but we have plenty of family to take care of him. We just moved to be closer to family for that very reason because I really, really need to work."

2nd week on the job, she missed two days taking her husband to chemo and taking care of him. Spent 20 minutes telling me all the reasons why SHE had to take care of him and not the family members acting like I was a horrible person for expecting her to be at work. Thankfully a week later she found another job where supposedly they would allow her to take off whenever she needed to.
I have one supervisor who goes over things like variations in work schedules, etc. VERY thoroughly when interviewing for a couple of her positions. She's had at least three that she's hired in recent years who have repeatedly said "no problem" and she told me that two of them even said they liked to have some variety in their work schedules, but once they got the job they started coming to her with all the reasons why they couldn't work the schedule as it was. And then, like you, txls, they made her feel like a horrible person and an awful boss when she told them that those were the requirements of the job and they would be expected to work with them. Like she told me, if she'd in any way misrepreseted what the job entailed it would be one thing, but she was very clear and emphatic during the interviews.

These employees all ended up going elsewhere, too, thankfully, because when the problems start just a few days or a week into the job, you know it doesn't bode well for them working out in the long run.
I went to the post office here in my city for stamps - not the main office but a small "sub" office. The girl gave me Christmas stamps. She said that is all she had but that I could get other stamps at the main office. I just took the Christmas ones. I didn't feel like driving to the main office.

70 degrees here currently - in a couple of days will drop 40 degrees. I hate such a drastic change in temperatures. Anyone else having "strange" weather for January?
We're having unhappily normal weather for January. After last winter, where we had practically no snow at all, and an unseasonably warm winter so far this year, suddenly the penguin has decided to visit.
Bummer - darn that Penguin! :(
Hey Betty, How do I get an avatar to choose from on this site. I've gone into every section, but no luck? Thanx
Hey Betty, How do I get an avatar to choose from on this site. I've gone into every section, but no luck? Thanx

Hi Benny. First go to forum actions top of this page, then click on edit profile. Your profile will come up - then click on add/edit avatar. It will bring you up a page to add one or edit one. It will give you 2 choices - you can enter the URL of the image you want to add from another website or upload an image from your computer. I don't think this forum has any you can add/choose from. I added one from my computer.
After a week of single digit temps and a few visits from the penguin, today's mid 50's weather feels downright balmy. I'm ready for summer.
Same here in WI. Had terrible rain storms last night and more expected today. Temps in the 50's but dropping into tonight and tomorrow. Expecting the penquin to visit and leave a couple inches of snow by tomorrow.
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