Mental Health - The Penguin Has Landed

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Same here. We had terrible rain storms last night which are predicted to continue later this afternoon. Temps will drop till we end up with a couple inches of snow.
We had in the 70s the last couple of days (currently 63). We are predicted to have storms (possibly severe) later today & then turning much cooler but no snow.
Hey Betty, Re. My avatar question, I had went the route on this site that you have mentioned. I just thought that I was looking in the wrong place. Thanks for your help though!
I'm late to the party -- I haven't had much time to post at AHI, but I did read many of the posts and I know some of the folks. Cathie was the first BB person I ever met and I believe it was at AHI.
kim, I'll notify Michael (thelawprofessor) that you're from AHI. He will probably upgrade you from registered user to TheLaw Student with more forum privileges.
It was, Kim!!! Glad to see you!

62 degrees today. Maybe the penguin went to visit Mnementh.
May the dragon have fun playing with the penguin. After teasing me with the hope of spring with temps in the 60's, the penguin is threatening a visit tomorrow.

Need to vent- We have this employee who is a nice enough person but extremely irritating. She is one of those people who has to be right and always "knows best". She fancies herself a legal expert though she has no legal training and is nothing of the sort. For over a week now she has been hounding me and another manager over our "interpretation" of the FMLA regulations. She found what was actually the public comments on the proposed regs from several years ago and is claiming that is really the law. When I showed her in black and white print both the actual regulations and the DOL guidance page on that aspect of the regulations, I thought it would shut her up. Now she is claiming we have to have a written policy that spells out our practice (not required by the regulation) and if the regulation were ever challenged in court, she is just sure it would not only be overturned but overturned the way she would like for it to be. Um, no, not happening. Just freaking admit you were mistaken and move on already!
There's always one, Elle - always one! :(
Elle you could just tell her, Sweetie, maybe someday we'll find out in court that you're right, but in the meantime we'll just muddle along as we are. Thank you very much, now go do some productive work.

Pushy saleslady has been irritating me and my crew all week. I've already told her I don't like pushy salespeople. I emailed her that we are not able to take advantage of her "great deal" right now because we are under contract with another company. She replies, "who do you think you're under contract with."
I am not even responding to that or taking anymore phone calls(thank you caller id!) because I would not be nice.
I once had a staffing agency call me so persistently that I finally told the rep that if he called me again inside of six months, I'd be on the phone to his boss explaining why I would never be using their agency under any circumstances. He did; I did. I heard through the grapevine later that he'd been fired.
And, I HATE when they call me and say "when we talked 6 months ago, you suggested I call you again at a later date" or some such lie. I never, in a million years, would tell a sales person to call me back on purpose. Ever.
Not nice penguin, not nice at all. Two days ago it was 67. Today, we got the white stuff, 20's, and 30 mph wind.
Those kinds of temps are just not fit for humans. I live south of the Mason-Dixon for a reason.

Apparently the Superbowl is this weekend and our "local" team is in it. The Ravens have this tradition/superstition about wearing purple on Fridays before games and it has really amped up this year. Months ago, HR had planned a fundraiser where if you donated a certain amount, you got a red T-shirt and we encouraged everyone to wear red today in support of the cause. Clearly, we are not football fans in my office (well, most of us) as none of us realized that the opposing team's color is red and so there has been much grumbling, fussing and general discontent over being asked to wear red on "Purple Friday". Very few are wearing the shirts and some are going so far as to hide them our of fear that even owning such a thing will "jinx" the Ravens. As a non-sports fan, I find it amusing, but what do I know? I forgot the SB was this weekend entirely until someone asked me about my plans for the game last night.
I have another friend who knows only marginally more than you do, Elle, and she writes a running commentary on the Stupidbowl that is hilarious. There are several of us who are eagerly anticipating this year's commentary which I will have to share with you all Monday.
My DH asked what we were having for game snacks. Neither of our home state teams are playing so I don't understand why we have to watch. What do we care?
I know one person also who does a funny running commentary of the SB, cbg - could be the same person you're talking about. We both know her.
My DH asked what we were having for game snacks. Neither of our home state teams are playing so I don't understand why we have to watch. What do we care?

Apparently everybody is supposed to watch the SuperBowl. We don't even have a home state team and I was only slightly aware of who was playing this year (mostly because Michael Oher plays for the Ravens and I liked the movie The Blind Side about him and his adoptive family). My DH never watches football otherwise, but he always has to watch the game. We have the grandkids over every year so their folks can go to a SB party so entertaining four kids for the afternoon is generally what I do on SuperBowl Sunday. Which I don't mind at all, as long as you don't make me watch the game!
Yes, Betty, it's the same person you and Proserpina know. I'll see you there! :)

I don't like football at the best of times. My DH will watch only if our home team is in it. So all I have to do is read the ongoing commentary.
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