Those kinds of temps are just not fit for humans. I live south of the Mason-Dixon for a reason.
Apparently the Superbowl is this weekend and our "local" team is in it. The Ravens have this tradition/superstition about wearing purple on Fridays before games and it has really amped up this year. Months ago, HR had planned a fundraiser where if you donated a certain amount, you got a red T-shirt and we encouraged everyone to wear red today in support of the cause. Clearly, we are not football fans in my office (well, most of us) as none of us realized that the opposing team's color is red and so there has been much grumbling, fussing and general discontent over being asked to wear red on "Purple Friday". Very few are wearing the shirts and some are going so far as to hide them our of fear that even owning such a thing will "jinx" the Ravens. As a non-sports fan, I find it amusing, but what do I know? I forgot the SB was this weekend entirely until someone asked me about my plans for the game last night.