Mental Health - The Penguin Has Landed

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I'm working from home today and we're closing early anyway. The university where my husband teaches is closed for the day. We're as prepared as I think we can be.
Ya'll bring in plent of groceries & firewood, batten down the hatches and start a big pot of cocoa. We got the St. Bernards ready to go if needed.
It's a whole penguin convention!!!

Ida01 - I'll let you know if the St. Bernards are needed. Every time I look they're upping the snowfall totals, so stand by.
This might even be too much for the St. Bernards! :)
At least the snow is staying to the north where it belongs. Stay safe and warm all my Northern friends. I am still recovering from Post Traumatic Snow Disorder after 2009. 3 blizzards was my lifetime limit.
You really did get dumped on that year, didn't you, hun? We'll keep it up here and not let it get you. (hugs)
Elle, did you ever find another place to live? You mentioned something about moving since the house you were in was so damaged from the huge rain/wind storm that hit your area a while back.
Proserpina said she heard (CNN) it was recommended that cbg's town evacuate (though not mandatory at this time) - fear of flooding (coastal area) & power outages not helping.

Prayers for cbg & her husband.
I believe the evacuation has been called off per what I heard on TV but many still w/o power.
93% of the town cbg lives in is w/o power - have heard nothing recently from/about cbg.
I've just sent her another quick text.

But I suspect they've got a lot going on.

Still, praying that all are okay!
I'm so glad they are safe - was worried. Thanks, Proserpina, for the information.
Oh well, we have here now. :)

cbg is at work & warm there. They still have no power or heat at home - sometime this week by Thurs. they should have it. She said she saw downed wires on her way to work.
That was one heck of a penguin convention!

Thanks Betty and Pro for the updates. We still don't have power, heat or phones but we do have hot water and can light the burners on the gas stove with a match so we can have hot food. Got into work with minimal disruptions but sounds like there are major delays on my commuter rail line getting back out again. At least it's warm at work and on the train!
Is Brad at home? What about Marilyn & her husband? Are they ok? I assume they are w/o power also since they live so close to you & Brad.
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