Mental Health Thread #2 - Spring Forward

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We are 3 for 3 appealing and winning unemployment claims. It will probably snow here in July.
Of course we could have save everyone all the hassle if a) the employees had told the truth and b)ui didn't automatically beleive everything the employee says
Stopped by Legal Workplace to see if it was still there and people are still posting. The poster "Peggysue" which I'm sure you recognize is still posting and no one is answering. I tried to sign on to tell her about this board and couldn't. Wonder how much longer its going to be ther?

I was able to sign in. I told her we were all over here & she might want to post here.
I mowed my beautiful green lawn at 8am this morning while wearing shorts.
There ate still some things to love about California.

You mowed your grass this morning & I was out shoveling snow - not fair!
Hey txls, That's because we (the employers) are the evil lying ones. In NY I have lost every appeal case in front of the judge, as the employer w/ full documentation. I have since found out that these judges that hear these cases are for the most part are former union officers.
So hence, you lose from the getgo, no matter how right you are!
Benny it was pretty much that way in La. TX is actually pretty good with getting it right on appeal, but you almost always have to appeal.
You mowed your grass this morning & I was out shoveling snow - not fair!

Just doesn't seem right, does it?!

March is such an "iffy" month for us weather-wise, you never know what you're going to end up with on any given day (and sometimes there will be a little bit of everything all in one day).

We had pretty decent weather the whole month until spring (according to the calendar) actually hit, then we had snow showers and temps dipping down into the 20's for several days. I'm just hoping that it will be halfway nice on Sunday so the kids don't have to hunt for Easter eggs in the snow!
Wow, I had thought Legal Workplace had closed long ago. I hope everyone got the word.

Snow has not completely melted yet; we're anticipating snow showers tonight. If we follow the usual pattern, that means a blizzard.
A while back when I tried to get in the legal workplace forum, I couldn't. I tried today & could. Strange!
Ok who's messing with the thermostat! We've gone from the 70s last week down to the upper 20s this morning and will be back in the 80s by this weekend. Texas weather is noted to be "changeable" but this is crazy. My sinuses don't know what season it is. Oh well, at least we are having "thunder-snow' like Betty.
Ida my thermostat is so confused. I really can't even program it here lately

So I transitioned our sister store to a new deal summary form. I'm getting all these frantic phone calls this morning because nothing is right, nothing adds up. Well folks, if somebody prints the form, then goes back into the deal and makes changes and does not reprint the form, guess what, you're right they aren't going to match! Duh!
Ok who's messing with the thermostat! We've gone from the 70s last week down to the upper 20s this morning and will be back in the 80s by this weekend. Texas weather is noted to be "changeable" but this is crazy. My sinuses don't know what season it is. Oh well, at least we are having "thunder-snow' like Betty.

Mo./Il. (most of it anyway) is more or less like Tx. - the weather can change drastically from day to day. Enjoy the snow! :)
I'd never heard of "thunder snow" until my sister who lives in Texas told me about it. We don't get thunderstorms very often so that's probably why we've never had it here (at least not during my lifetime, I think I'd remember it!). My sister also sent me a cool picture of a "snowbow"...we see rainbows all the time here but I'd never heard of a snowbow before either!
Wishing everyone a blessed Good Friday!
Happy Easter, everyone. I hope you all have good weather. It is predicted to get to 66 here today - currently 58 at 11:20am cst
4-1-13: Happy April Fools Day!

Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. Mark Twain
I've been busy here assistant is gone on vacation and I actually did the payroll myself for the first time in a couple of years. I was nervous about it at first, but I'd done payroll for so many years previously that I figured out if I just sort of let my brain go on auto-pilot, it all came back to me pretty quickly. Everyone got paid with no major errors to fix - whew!!!!
A little humor break.

My nephew posted on FB, "great way to start the day the baby knocked over a whole bottle of warm milk all over me, before I could get the top on it." Grandma replies, " do I need to come rescue my princess?" HE says, "well I'm no princess."
Got my OFCCP pre-schedule warning letter today. Are they really going to do this to me every two years? I think I'm going to go throw up.
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