Mental Health Thread #5 - It's a New Year!

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2-14 - full moon which is called a full snow moon. How appropriate!
cbg, I was watching the weather channel to get our local weather & weather around the nation. They said they are keeping a close watch on Boston. I thought I don't know if that sounds too good.
We're looking at 6-12 inches this afternoon and tonight. It hasn't started yet but it's definitely clouding over. The worst is supposed to be tonight after about six. We're under a blizzard warning, isn't that fun? :D

ETA: I just looked out the window. It's just starting. Wish me luck!
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I just had the weather channel on for a short period of time - just to get local weather & summary of rest of US. When they said they are keeping an eye on Boston that made me think something was coming or possibly coming that wasn't there yet.

Good luck! Stay safe. Keep warm.
I'm thoroughly entitled to beat my DH over the head if his Valentine's Day gift to me was to make me sit panicking when he was over two hours late in a pouring snow storm, because he decided he just couldn't cancel his plan to go get a new cell phone despite the weather, right?
When you're calling in to report the internet down, you should not have to listen to the spiel about going online to report a trouble ticket. Then they ask for an email address to send you updates.
Anyone have Presidents' Day off from work?
Yes, I had President's Day off, and I was very happy to not have to go out in the weather (except to walk the dog, which I did during a break in the snow). It was a great day to stay inside!

Our forecast said that we were supposed to have "snow & rain showers" today, but right now when I look out the window on one side of the building, there's blowing snow swirling around, and out the windows on the other side, it's near whiteout conditions. If these are just "showers" I hate to think what it will look like if it decides to snow for real!

And on top of that, apparently the boiler in our building wasn't working over the long weekend so when I got here it was really cold in my office. They got it working (or so they claim) but all the vents are blowing out nothing but cold air. Luckily, I wore a warm sweater & slacks today, but I may have to figure out how to type with gloves on.
When you're calling in to report the internet down, you should not have to listen to the spiel about going online to report a trouble ticket. Then they ask for an email address to send you updates.

Reminds me of my old IT Department which used to send emails out about email being down. No one but me seemed to find this ironic.
Reminds me of my old IT Department which used to send emails out about email being down. No one but me seemed to find this ironic.

Now that's just precious. ;D

Kind of like the advice to 'Use your cell phone during a power outage to listen to local radio!'. Dude. If the power's out at my house, I'm pretty sure the local cell towers are out, too. (Which happened during the Tornadoes of April 2011.)
I can usually still get cell coverage when the regular old power is out. Now if the towers are down because of a major storm, that is another issue. The bigger problem is that it is harder to charge the cell without power. Car chargers are wonderful but running the car takes gas, which requires power for the pumps...
I really don't like the CT machine because I'm claustrophobic. Having to run through it 5 times because the machine kept shutting off was not my idea of fun at all.
I really don't like the CT machine because I'm claustrophobic. Having to run through it 5 times because the machine kept shutting off was not my idea of fun at all.

That's not good. My husband is claustrophobic and he gets so nervous every time he has to have a CT scan or MRI. He had to have a scan of his head a couple of years ago and I thought they were going to have to sedate him just to get it done.
I have been taking Valium but I still get nervous. I have to hold my hand over my eyes so I don't see the thing. I sang to myself, I recited the alphabet backwards, then counted backwards. Anything for a distraction.
I would have to be completely out for an MRI. That's if they even get me in the room because I would be afraid the sedation would wear off and what if I couldn't find the panic button to press. Aaaayiiii.
Most of the scans/MRIs I've had done were when I was in a medically-induced coma years ago so I didn't have to worry about it! I have one very vague memory of being put into what I think was an MRI machine when I was a little less sedated but I don't remember much.

The only other time I've even attempted to have an MRI was when I was having problems with my knee last year and then it wasn't claustrophobia that was a problem, it was that they put my knee in such a painful position and expected me to hold it there for up to forty minutes. After five minutes, the muscles started spasming, so they couldn't get good pictures, and I told them I didn't think I could do it anyway because the pain was making me nauseous and if they don't want you even moving in the machine, they sure don't want you throwing up!
I have never had a CT scan or MRI & after reading the above posts, I don't want one.
At least the CT was only a few minutes. It's only about two feet long and they move you in and out of it, so for most people it's probably not that bad.
To expect anyone to lay on that hard table and be entombed for 45 minutes for an MRI is cruel, and for mine they also had me strapped down across my abdomen.
Oh heck no! Even if you're not claustrophobic, that's a long time.
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