Mental Health Thread #7 -- Summer's Coming!

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Whoa Carl! Plans change don't they. You have all boys?
Whoa Carl! Plans change don't they. You have all boys?

Yeah. The only girls we see are the ones that follow the boys home! And, with the boys all having a number of girl FRIENDS, in addition to girlfriends, I do get to learn the drama associated with teenage and young adult girls, too. :)

But, we do have the one constant: Comic Con! #4 son wants to go again, too (he went twice when he was younger), but now that he is older I have to get him a ticket and these things are hard to get and the "lottery" didn't draw my ID in time to get him even a single day's pass this year.
Here's a fun one for you. We are a manufacturer's rep in the construction industry, meaning we have agreements with many different manufacturing companies to sell their products to contractors in this territory, but we are an independent agent, not related to or owned by the manufacturers. One of them has placed an ad for an AP clerk on Career Builder. If you google Company A, we come up pretty high in the search results and so candidates are taking it upon themselves to do that and calling, faxing, and emailing us about the position, which has nothing to do with us! Awesome!

Also, one of them just submitted-her email is relaxn @XXXX.XXX. Let me see, someone so dedicated to relaxing they make it their email-yeah, that's just what I'm looking for in an employee!!!
Just got back from OBX with my entire family (all 14 of us). Hoping to do some short trips and weekend get-aways over the summer but probably not any major vacations.
Here's a fun one for you. We are a manufacturer's rep in the construction industry, meaning we have agreements with many different manufacturing companies to sell their products to contractors in this territory, but we are an independent agent, not related to or owned by the manufacturers. One of them has placed an ad for an AP clerk on Career Builder. If you google Company A, we come up pretty high in the search results and so candidates are taking it upon themselves to do that and calling, faxing, and emailing us about the position, which has nothing to do with us! Awesome!

Also, one of them just submitted-her email is relaxn @XXXX.XXX. Let me see, someone so dedicated to relaxing they make it their email-yeah, that's just what I'm looking for in an employee!!!

Fun topic: share some of the more humorous or inappropriate email addresses you've seen used by applicants:
bighousedude (on parole are you?)
cowsht (ok this one turned out to be part of the person's first and last name, but really?)
trublmkr (thanks for the warning)
liv4weekends (bet you're a live wire on Mondays)
4kids3dogs (TMI)
Hairyharry (TMI)
lovhandels (me too, but still TMI)

Got any more?
I can't recall any odd emails of applicants, but I have a number of stories in the realm of, "Maybe this career's not for you ..."

On the personal history statement of one applicant a few years back he admitted he did not use marijuana, but he DID admit to buying an ounce for his wife about 30 days prior adding, "But, it wasn't for me." (And neither even had a Prop 215 - medical marijuana - card ... not that it would have mattered.)

Uh ... dude ... what part of the Basic Academy were you asleep during?
Let's see, what odd e-mail addresses have I seen?

Cutebear (not terrible but a little cutesy for an adult)
Babybear (ditto above)
Hotnurse (yes, I know you trained as a nurse, but you're applying for work at a bank, and frankly we don't care how "hot" you are)
Fizzle (when something fizzles it means it didn't work right or fell flat...not exactly what I want from an employee)
Tinkerball (sounds like a name one of the roller derby girls would use in the league my son refs)
Minniemouse (and will you be wearing your charming little polka-dotted dress and a big hair bow to work?)
Princesscinderelly (Disney again, and if you think you're a princess I'm not sure that bodes well for our working relationship)
Simplythestunningone (ummm....nice for you?)

I have noticed that more recently people seem to have caught on to the idea that maybe they should use more professional sounding e-mail addresses on their resumes, which is good. I can't imagine what it would look like to IT if one of our hiring managers sent an e-mail to "hotnurse" responding to her application!
hotmamma; republican; CarpeDiem; RightSizeWronged; SolLegitIQuit; cooldude; StanStill; MissChief; tough_macho; Gee_Male

These were in a HR pamphlet I have - suggested not using them.
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After already working 40 hrs Mon-Thurs, DH called Friday night and said "I'm on dinner break. We're going back to work until 2 a.m. (they started the day at 6 a.m.) And oh yes, we still have to go back at 6 a.m and work at least 1/2 day Saturday."
I was furious. They ended up leaving about 10:30 because the machine broke down. Gee, maybe it was tired. I would so like to be there when he gives notice.
After already working 40 hrs Mon-Thurs, DH called Friday night and said "I'm on dinner break. We're going back to work until 2 a.m. (they started the day at 6 a.m.) And oh yes, we still have to go back at 6 a.m and work at least 1/2 day Saturday."
I was furious. They ended up leaving about 10:30 because the machine broke down. Gee, maybe it was tired. I would so like to be there when he gives notice.

Wow, that's crazy. What kind of industry does your husband work in?
He's a welder. He works on building's(beams and rafters). But right now he's filling in on some machine where these parts have to be flipped over by hand because the crane or forklift can't get to
the parts on the machine, and somehow they don't ever have anyone to help him.
Good grief, that's insane hours to be expected to work around machinery and things that (I assume) could be potentially dangerous. I, personally, wouldn't want somebody working in a job like that after working 20 hours straight with only a 4 hour break in between starting all over again the next morning.

One of my husband's former bosses would have worked him those kinds of hours if he could have. After working for the guy for two years, working six 12- to 15-hour days a week (and occasionally working all 7 days a week)his health was really suffering. He had what they categorized as a "mini-stroke" where a tiny blood clot caused him to lose the vision in one eye for half the day. All the boss wanted to know after the doctors figured out what was going on was "when can you come back to work?" I was cheering the day he found another job and gave his notice on that one.
I don't know how much longer he can do it. He likes welding, they have good benefits and he's a little bit scared about going elsewhere, but the insanity is increasing.
After already working 40 hrs Mon-Thurs, DH called Friday night and said "I'm on dinner break. We're going back to work until 2 a.m. (they started the day at 6 a.m.) And oh yes, we still have to go back at 6 a.m and work at least 1/2 day Saturday."
I was furious. They ended up leaving about 10:30 because the machine broke down. Gee, maybe it was tired. I would so like to be there when he gives notice.

Good grief - that made me tired just reading it.
I had a previous job with those kinds of hours but it was not manual labor. I burnt to a crisp after 5 years.
I went through a few years of working long hours, but I was much younger, I wasn't on my feet all day nor doing heavy lifting in 100+ temps most days.
I went through a few years of working long hours, but I was much younger, I wasn't on my feet all day nor doing heavy lifting in 100+ temps most days.

Like most folks, I worked a lot of different jobs putting myself through college. Spent one summer working in a paper mill. Supervisors would come through about 4:00 and tell you who was going to have to work a double shift. Dreaded that, but it meant OT, which was good for someone like me living on a shoestring.
I'm STILL working those hours! Two 3-to-4-hour naps a day, working two jobs (teaching at the high school and police work), and doing one or both 7 days each week! Thank God it's summertime! Now, I only have to worry about one job where they are working me 60+ hours per week, and for my other job I am having to re-work my lesson plans so that they conform with Common Core standards (and that's unpaid work).

What's sleep?
I'm STILL working those hours! Two 3-to-4-hour naps a day, working two jobs (teaching at the high school and police work), and doing one or both 7 days each week! Thank God it's summertime! Now, I only have to worry about one job where they are working me 60+ hours per week, and for my other job I am having to re-work my lesson plans so that they conform with Common Core standards (and that's unpaid work).

What's sleep?

Wow, I think I see why Java is part of your moniker. I tried both of those professions at one time or another early on. Both are demanding and leave you drained, can't fathom doing both at the same time. My hat's off to ya, keep it together!
Wow, I think I see why Java is part of your moniker. I tried both of those professions at one time or another early on. Both are demanding and leave you drained, can't fathom doing both at the same time. My hat's off to ya, keep it together!

Well, working on transitioning to the secondary one full time ... will know by the end of this week whether my sig line will change sooner rather than later.
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