Mental Health Thread #7 -- Summer's Coming!

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Two people spend a lot of time in our storage area looking for a certain box that we had to have for an auditor. "We looked at every box and can't find it." Well that's not an option, we can't tell him we can't find it. Okay so they went again and came back with the same answer. I went and found it within 5 minutes. Granted the box was not labeled, but seems like the thought would have crossed their mind, Gee wonder what's in this box.
txls - you actually want people to think!
I spent about 20 years in Louisiana. Although I can't say I ever wore panty hose, I did have to wear a necktie and sport coat to work much of the time.

I do have to admit I didn't have to wear a necktie and sports coat to work - LOL (just pantyhose)
I do have to admit I didn't have to wear a necktie and sports coat to work - LOL (just pantyhose)

At the risk of sounding old-fogey-ish, kids today don't know how good they have it when it comes to dress codes...we don't make the women wear pantyhose anymore, and very few of the men wear a tie to work, much less a sport coat.

I was looking at some pictures from the late 80's/early 90's the other day and laughing at how we were dressed (although it was the height of fashion back then). Skirt suits, big shoulder pads, ruffley blouses or ones with the big floppy bow that tied in front, and always, always pantyhose. I think I even wore pantyhose under my slacks when I wore them!
When I first started work, women had to wear dresses or skirts & blouses & pantyhose/some type of hose & later when we could wear pants suits, I worse pantyhose under my slacks. (Had to have hose on) Men could smoke at their desks but women couldn't when I first started. Men had to wear white shirts only with a suit.
When I first started work, women had to wear dresses or skirts & blouses & pantyhose/some type of hose & later when we could wear pants suits, I worse pantyhose under my slacks. (Had to have hose on) Men could smoke at their desks but women couldn't when I first started. Men had to wear white shirts only with a suit.

I was hired here in 1982 so at least by that time we were allowed to wear slacks, although most of us did still wear dresses/skirts most of the time. (I kind of appreciated dressing up when I first came to work here, I'd just spent 8 years at home raising my kids and was tired of my "mom uniform" of jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts every day.) Men wore suits, although they generally didn't wear the jackets while they were working and were starting to phase out having to wear neckties every day by that point. Now most of them wear khakis and polo shirts or button-down shirts open at the neck.

We were very equal opportunity as far as smoking went: anyone, male or female, who had an enclosed office, was allowed to smoke at their desks. Within a few years we went to a policy of no smoking in work areas (we had a dedicated smoking breakroom) and then to "if you smoke, go outside to do it".

Yep, things have changed a lot around here in the past 30 years.
Oh & the men had to wear ties also. I started working in 1960 at a life ins. co.
When I first started work, women had to wear dresses or skirts & blouses & pantyhose/some type of hose & later when we could wear pants suits, I worse pantyhose under my slacks. (Had to have hose on) Men could smoke at their desks but women couldn't when I first started. Men had to wear white shirts only with a suit.

Ah, smoking in the office! Back in the stone age, better than half the management staff smoked in staff meetings. Often time several of them at once, you couldn't even see the flip chart (before white boards) for the cloud of smoke. One day we non-smokers rebelled by bringing cigars to the meetings. When they lite up so did we. The truce we negotiated was that only one of them would smoke at a time, and we considered it a victory. How times have changed.
LOL - the plan seemed to work. I didn't smoke either & I know what you mean about meetings. Of course, later on the co. became smoke free.
By choice I only wear skirts. I last bought a pair of jeans 10 years ago. I have had many ask me if I have a religious objection to pants or think it odd that I only wear skirts. I do not however, wear hose any longer.
If I wear a dress or skirt & blouse, I always have to have on hose - it seems like part of the outfit to me. I guess because I have always worn hose with dresses & skirts/blouses. I generally always wore dresses & skirts/blouses to work even when we were allowed to wear pants suits. It just seemed more business like I guess. On occasion I worse pants.
It took me years to feel comfortable with not wearing hose or tights to work. I'm not *that* old but even when I first entered the workforce, hose were still a given. Now, I don't think I have even worn hose for a few years, even for formal events. I like "dressing up" for work and still tend to dress more formally than most of my peers. We do have a casual dress code in the summer and today is the first time I have worn a maxi dress with heeled sandals to work. I grabbed a short sleeved jacket on the way out the door so I don't feel like I am dressed for the beach.
I know what you mean. Even when we could wear pants suits, I was probably one of the last to wear a pant suit. I just didn't didn't feel professional or comfortable. I felt I was too casual for work but finally I started wearing them on occasion especially when it was really, really cold out and/or snowing but not even always then.
Since the discovery of fleece tights and the purchase of several long heavy skirts, I rarely wear pants even in winter.
I never did like long skirts/dresses or short skirts/dresses - mine had to be a little below the knee.
I switched over from pantyhose to tights probably 20 years ago. Even in the summer, it usually doesn't get too warm here for them (and besides, our office is so very air-conditioned it usually feels rather arctic in here, even on the hottest days).

I wear skirts or dresses to work much more often than most women I know. I love my jeans when I'm off work but I have a hard time finding dress slacks that fit like I like them to so I prefer dresses/skirts. I've been reorganizing my clothes lately and I can't believe how many black skirts I have, in every style, length, and fabric imaginable. I really like wearing slightly dressier things to work most days, and feel much more professional when I'm dressed that way.
I have never worn tights - just never got into them. Now that I'm retired, I wear jeans/slacks -- more comfortable to me & I don't have to worry about being professional. :) If any guys are reading these posts, I'm sure they are really interesting to them - not!
Yes, well, in serious need of mental health today. I can handle fashion talk. Anything requiring more mental effort than brushing my teeth is in serious question.
That's true Elle. The mental health forum is to talk about not so serious things for the most part unless someone has something to post they want/need to get off their chest & the posting helps.

So what are you wearing today? :)
Back from Alaska and hitting the ground running with jet lag while processing payroll and catching up...not a fun combination. But I must say to cynthiag that I LOVED Ketchikan. We went on the excursion to the Rainforest Sanctuary so we got to see some of the town too. They had reindeer there also that we got to pet and feed. I spent way too much at the shops and just had to buy a pair of small Northern Lights Topaz earrings along with quilting fabric at the store in Salmon's Landing.

It's a majestic state and I would highly recommend a trip to Alaska for anyone wanting something different! But darn that 4 hour loss in time change is biting me back!
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