Mental Health Thread #7 -- Summer's Coming!

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The major part of the storm went south of us. We had lots and lots of rain and a little thunder but we've had much worse storms than this turned out to be. South of us, down near New Bedford, got the worst - anticipated 10 inches or rain. The Cape and the Islands also got hit hard.
I'm glad you didn't get it real bad. Hurricanes are scary. It was 75 & no rain here yesterday - went to a Cards game & watched fireworks there. It was a beautiful evening. It is going to start turning hot again though.
Technically I was in the path as well, but it amounted to little more than a bad thunderstorm. Not nearly as exciting as the storm I spent on the OBX or even some of the other hurricanes which have struck this area.
I'm glad you made out ok too, Elle. I don't like "exciting storms".
I'm with you regarding "exciting" storms, Betty.

We were supposed to have rain on the 4th but even though that would have but a damper on our celebrations, I was thankful it wasn't a hurricane. It rained lightly in the morning but by the time we were out doing anything, it was overcast but dry. The sun even peeked out a few times during the day. We have a big parade for the 4th every year and everybody in it was prepared for rain...there was a bagpipe band and they had some little girls doing Scottish dancing and it was interesting to see one of the girls dancing in her kilt and rubber boots!
So I find out via facebook pictures that my brother and his granddaughter drove right past the highway exit that would have taken them to my house in 1 1/2 hours.
They better be planning to surprise me and come see me on the way back home.
Facebook comes in handy sometimes. :)
Maybe it's a difference in me in Ohio, going 1 1/2 hours out of my way both ways is a pretty long side trip. I wouldn't expect anyone to put me on the calendar because they were going to be within that distance.
They drove from Mississippi to New Mexico, passing all the way through Texas. It took them two days. I could have been their overnight stay.
Ironically, one of my coworkers just did that as a vacation. She took two weeks to do it, stopping numerous places along the way. This is her first week back.
txls, I do hope they stop on their way back if possible. I lost one of my brothers to a heart attack at the end of Jan. (we lived together) & the other one moved from my city to out of state last month to be near their daughter & closer to the grandkids (grown). I had 5 days notice he & my SIL were moving. I haven't heard from my brother since he said he was moving. I have no family here & I miss my brother so, so much.
This little slice of America doesn't have Dunkin.

Does anyone know the significance of reporting the number of employees on the 12th day of the month on the 941? Just curious why some random date in the middle of the month
rather than end of month.
This little slice of America doesn't have Dunkin.

Does anyone know the significance of reporting the number of employees on the 12th day of the month on the 941? Just curious why some random date in the middle of the month
rather than end of month.

We don't have Dunkin either. But being in the Pacific Northwest, we have lots of coffee places...Starbucks and at least four others I can think of just in the immediate several blocks around my office.

I've always wondered about the 12th of the month thing as well. Seems so random. We have reports we do for the state that have adopted that date as well, so I have to wonder if there was at some point some well-considered reason why, or if one agency set it up that way and the rest just followed blindly?
Both coffee pots in the building are broken. Rough morning.

Wow that could qualify as a "hostile work environment" for some of us. I've had to get on the contractors working in the building on the remodel. "You do not block the restrooms or the coffee pot!"
Actually saw someone crawling over a desk and leaning around a file cabinet to get to the Kuerig.

Have often wondered about the 12th of the month point in time for doing head counts. Undoubtedly someone in a government agency came up with it for reasons obscure to the rest of the world.
I don't like/drink coffee. :)
I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning either, so I went to IHop for lunch and got my coffee fix.
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