Mental Health Thread #9 - Spring is Coming!

You were smart to get the painting done though. We also had plans to paint before moving in, but long story short the timing just didn't work out like we hoped, and practically we decided we'd rather get the boxes and furniture out of our way and paint at a later date. Been there five years and still haven't painted a thing. :(

We know ourselves well enough to assume that would have been the case for us, too, if we hadn't painted first! At least we have the luxury of taking our time moving out of our old place; we have a lot of work to do on it before we can put it on the market so it's going to be sitting vacant for a few months anyhow and being able to leave the bulk of our stuff there while we paint is a godsend.

DH started painting the living room last night and I must say, it sure goes quicker with him doing it, largely because he's 6 feet tall so he can paint all the way up to the top of the wall without climbing up on a step stool like I have to. Just one more reason I'm glad I married him...he's over half a foot taller than me!
I know most of you (probably none of you) care about this but the Cardinals lost their ace pitcher, Wainwright, for the whole season. Surgery Thurs. for torn Achilles tendon. :(

Don't any of you rooting for other teams dare come along & like this post. lol
Brad and I were talking about that the other evening, Betty. That's really bad news for the Cards. Sorry to hear it.
Have a sticky situation here and am open to any suggestions. We have a 79 year old dock master for our marinas. He has been here since 1993 and I guess you can say he came with the hotels when the current owner bought it. Well to say it nicely he is showing his age, having trouble walking, getting in and out of the boats, keep up with the daily tasks, can't walk up and down the stairs well , things like that. Because of these physical issues he is becoming a WC liability especially on the docks. If he ever fell off between the big boats no one would see him and he would drown. We even hired an assistant dock master to help. The hotel owner 'suggested' that maybe it was time for him to slow down , take it easy but he's an old salty dog and came back with no I'm fine. I know that we are playing with fire here, knowing about these physical issues, age discrimination very strong here in NJ, and possibly ADA. How would you handle this situation?
Dealing with something similar here. If you don't have a job description already with extensive and specific details about the physical requirements of the job (must be able to climb in and out of boats x times a day, must be able to lift x pounds up to x times per day, must climb x stairs to a height of x at x angle x times etc.) get one immediately. There are companies that specialize in writing these if you need help. Then send him with that for a fitness for duty exam.
Thanks ferretricK.....we do have a job description just wasn't that specific and not sure if its too last for him to sign one with different job expectations. But boy when it rain to sure does pour here!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an applicant who was arrested for gun and drug possession and the court date isn't until June. SO far he was never "convicted" of a crime. So walking that tight rope again!
Ouch. Spring has sprung a leak somewhere around here. Incredible amounts of rain lately and temps today in the 50's. It's MAY in West Texas for goodness sake!
It's currently 49 here in St. Louis area - just a few days ago in the 80s.
Ouch. Spring has sprung a leak somewhere around here. Incredible amounts of rain lately and temps today in the 50's. It's MAY in West Texas for goodness sake!

My sister lives in Amarillo and she said that they've had 5" more than the normal amount of rainfall for this time of year there. And it's been warm and sunny here most of this month when we'd normally have lots of rain...what's up with that? (Not that I'm complaining, mind you!)
Person asks why she was being fired. Supervisor said "go look in a mirror." Well he meant that she was the one to blame for being fired because of her actions. Her uncle called threatening to kick his flipping a$$. All I can figure is they took his comment to mean that she was being fired because she's ugly(which she isn't) but as if!
Anyway, that was a lovely start to my day.
Person asks why she was being fired. Supervisor said "go look in a mirror." Well he meant that she was the one to blame for being fired because of her actions. Her uncle called threatening to kick his flipping a$$. All I can figure is they took his comment to mean that she was being fired because she's ugly(which she isn't) but as if!
Anyway, that was a lovely start to my day.

Unfortunately, if my many years in HR have taught me anything, it's that many people would have taken that comment to mean something derogatory about their personal appearance.
Unfortunately, if my many years in HR have taught me anything, it's that many people would have taken that comment to mean something derogatory about their personal appearance.

Or worse, their gender, race, etc....Yeah, txls I think you'd better give that supervisor some termination coaching. :-)

And, if the girl's family thinks that a constructive way of dealing with it is to call, use profanity and threaten physical violence, I'm maybe getting a clue why she didn't make the greatest employee...
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The really funny part was that her highly indignant uncle didn't even get her name right. You fired my niece Theresa. Sir do you mean Marissa. Oh yeah, that's her name. (not the real names but you get the idea)
The really funny part was that her highly indignant uncle didn't even get her name right. You fired my niece Theresa. Sir do you mean Marissa. Oh yeah, that's her name. (not the real names but you get the idea)

That's hilarious! :D Gotta love those people who are out there looking for a fight, doesn't matter over what or who!
Person asks why she was being fired. Supervisor said "go look in a mirror." Well he meant that she was the one to blame for being fired because of her actions. Her uncle called threatening to kick his flipping a$$. All I can figure is they took his comment to mean that she was being fired because she's ugly(which she isn't) but as if!
Anyway, that was a lovely start to my day.

Actually, I represented a guy for firing an employee. He told her that she was too ugly and he had received complaints from customers about her appearance, so he fired her.

The judge dismissed her lawsuit, and I told my guy, if you want to fire an employee in the future, just terminate the person without providing a reason.
Wow that's really insensitive. We usually don't give a reason and he went in to the interview not intending to give a reason, but I think she got under his skin and he spoke without thinking.
State Law Lady here (boy, that's harking back to the old days and the old board, huh?)

In the district of Columbia, she could not legally be fired for her personal appearance. In all 50 states, however, she could. (Not for her height and weight in Michigan.)

Yes, I know that wasn't really the reason she was fired. It's Friday afternoon and I'm punchy.

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