Mental Health Thread #9 - Spring is Coming!

Finally had to get Owner involved in New Employee who is a disaster. She has been here since January and I think the only time she put in a full 40 hours since was her first week. I would just fire her but owner's have no guts...(I would use other words but family board). Culminated with her grandma died 2 weeks ago. Which, I'm sorry for that, but it turned into off the day it happened, two days she needed off for planning meetings for the service, plus the day of the service itself. How many meetings does it take to plan a funeral? Princess Di didn't require this many arrangements. And the day of one of those meetings...she sent me a message at 1:00 that she was on her way (meeting was supposedly at 10) and never showed.

Yes, she is still employed though she at least got a discipline session last week...
Finally had to get Owner involved in New Employee who is a disaster. She has been here since January and I think the only time she put in a full 40 hours since was her first week. I would just fire her but owner's have no guts...(I would use other words but family board). Culminated with her grandma died 2 weeks ago. Which, I'm sorry for that, but it turned into off the day it happened, two days she needed off for planning meetings for the service, plus the day of the service itself. How many meetings does it take to plan a funeral? Princess Di didn't require this many arrangements. And the day of one of those meetings...she sent me a message at 1:00 that she was on her way (meeting was supposedly at 10) and never showed.

Yes, she is still employed though she at least got a discipline session last week...

Yep - definitely time to get the owner involved.
We never had a summer thread. If you start a new thread, will it be summer or autumn? LOL
Finally had to get Owner involved in New Employee who is a disaster. She has been here since January and I think the only time she put in a full 40 hours since was her first week. I would just fire her but owner's have no guts...(I would use other words but family board). Culminated with her grandma died 2 weeks ago. Which, I'm sorry for that, but it turned into off the day it happened, two days she needed off for planning meetings for the service, plus the day of the service itself. How many meetings does it take to plan a funeral? Princess Di didn't require this many arrangements. And the day of one of those meetings...she sent me a message at 1:00 that she was on her way (meeting was supposedly at 10) and never showed.

Yes, she is still employed though she at least got a discipline session last week...

In some cultures, religions, races, ethnicities it takes several meetings/discussions to plan the wake, the funeral, arrange transportation, hotel bookings, etc... I learned this over the years and my tolerance for extended time off for close family members has softened, because I once worked for a supervising attorney who told me I didn't need anymore than one day off, two at the most if I had to travel to my father's funeral. His rationale was that he attended his dad's funeral in the morning and was back at his desk by 1:00PM!!!

Needless to say, I resigned that day. One of the senior partners called me the next morning, apologized, offered my a raise, a promotion, told me I could take as much time off as I needed to grieve. I thanked him, and told him I thought it best I move on.

I returned only to clear up my client load, leaving the firm about six months later. We have remained great friends over the years. In fact, he gave me a nice severance package, enough that it allowed me to hang my own shingle. Over the years he'd even throw work my way.
Got a call from an employee who is sick and was told by the doctor he is highly contagious and needs to stay home, and who's supervisor told him he needs to leave. Employee called to ask if his supervisor could make him go home. So it is going to be that kind of day.
Got a call from an employee who is sick and was told by the doctor he is highly contagious and needs to stay home, and who's supervisor told him he needs to leave. Employee called to ask if his supervisor could make him go home. So it is going to be that kind of day.

I've always wondered why some people refuse to isolate themselves when they're sick.
It isn't only off to work they crawl, I saw it as early as elementary school. I suspect it's one of the reasons I've developed traits to protect my health such as avoiding handshakes, staying out of crowds, carrying hand wipes, using medical gloves during winter, obsessively washing my hands, avoiding contact with objects I don't own, even wearing the ubiquitous face mask popularized across Asia.

Yeah, I get their need to earn money, pay their bills, be around others, the desire to feel needed, fill in the blank, but why no concern for others? That I'll never understand.

So, what happened with the human Petri dish?
We have had some come into work so sick we wondered how they even made it in.

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