MIC in Kansas

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On May 25, 2013, I was at a small party and consumed 1 beer. The cops showed up, entering the house without permission, and brought everyone outside. We were breathalyzed and I blew .01. I am now getting a letter with my court date. I am 17 years old, by the way, about to turn 18. I have used my diversion already with a stupid mistake I made when I was 14 so I was wondering, should I get a good attorney because I only blew .01 or should I just use the court appointed attorney and deal with the consequences? If so, what will the consequences be? Thank you so much for your help!
If your parents can afford an attorney for you, get an attorney before going to court. The attorney will go over your options with you.
With an attorney's assistance you can likely make this go away with little trouble.
In the future, don't agree to take the test unless you were the driver of a vehicle. In fact, you never should have gone outside.
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