Mind Control

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New Member
What can I sue for in a civil lawsuit against us government, Canada government, NRO, CSIS?
Lawyers wont take my case
If I set a court date representing myself, can I not have legal aid with me after the date is set?
I need to know what to take them to court for. I cant just say theirs people in a satellite that put me on a system that portrays schizophrenia. Theirs legal terms I need to know.
If I set a court date representing myself, can I not have legal aid with me after the date is set?
I need to know what to take them to court for. I cant just say theirs people in a satellite that put me on a system that portrays schizophrenia. Theirs legal terms I need to know.
How long have you been off your meds?
What can I sue for in a civil lawsuit against us government, Canada government, NRO, CSIS?
Lawyers wont take my case

Your problem in asserting that the government is mind controlling you or causing your mental condition via satellite starts with the fact that so far there is no credible evidence to suggest the government has the capability to do that. No scientific research establishes that such a thing is possible. And even if such a thing were possible, how would you prove it was actually done to you?

A number of people suffering from paranoia type conditions believe that the government or other organizations are targeting them and affecting their behavior. But the belief is not accurate as it is a mental issue causing what the person is experiencing, not actions of government or someone else. So for those people it is mental health treatment they need, not legal action.
Why am I feeling anal sensations like somethings in my butt, increased heart rate, stopped heart for several seconds, heart skip a beat then pulse hard, blood clots, fried brain, loss of thought, cancer times 20, brain buzzes, suicide, putt down, depression, psychotic towards a certain someone (once), sentences placed in my head to say in my head also words, saying words Viewing famous people, fans of famous people, "black people", lawyers, mayors, employees, porn stars, presidents, prime ministers shocked to see me on this, beat me, shoot me, stab me, blow me, want me to have sex with them. You wouldn't believe what they do. I had a test world on Halloween 2014 and they erased my memory of the party I was at and slowly put visions in my head of the test world. Everybody (normal people) get thoughts, pictures, visions, motivation to do something whether they will or not. If you don't see it when you look back a certain scenarios then I don't know because my life is full of them.
Why am I feeling anal sensations like somethings in my butt, increased heart rate, stopped heart for several seconds, heart skip a beat then pulse hard, blood clots, fried brain, loss of thought, cancer times 20, brain buzzes, suicide, putt down, depression, psychotic towards a certain someone (once), sentences placed in my head to say in my head also words, saying words Viewing famous people, fans of famous people, "black people", lawyers, mayors, employees, porn stars, presidents, prime ministers shocked to see me on this, beat me, shoot me, stab me, blow me, want me to have sex with them. You wouldn't believe what they do. I had a test world on Halloween 2014 and they erased my memory of the party I was at and slowly put visions in my head of the test world. Everybody (normal people) get thoughts, pictures, visions, motivation to do something whether they will or not. If you don't see it when you look back a certain scenarios then I don't know because my life is full of them.
You're suffering from a mental illness. Please, seek psychiatric help.
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